Numeracy Resources

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#MCTMequity – A Call To Action

A call to action from Sara Van Der Werf, a Minneapolis teacher and the president of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MTCM) in 2016.

Equitable Pedagogy: The Key to Students’ Mathematical Reasoning and Sense Making

This 5-minute Ignite talk by Marilyn Strutchens explores the question, What is equity and what could equity and social justice look like in mathematics instruction?

Picture Yourself as a Stereotypical Male

How do race, gender, exposure to stereotypes, and classroom demographics impact student performance? Can test anxiety be a result of the experience of bias, and unrelated to actual ability? Can helping students see themselves as "complex, intelligent, talented, individual human selves" impact their academic performance?

Radical Equations

The author writes about the connection between math and science literacy and full citizenship/access to power.  The idea that math is a necessary tool for accessing full civil rights may be of interest to many ABE teachers.

College & Career Readiness (CCR) Math Standards

Looking for more specific information about the College & Career Readiness (CCR) Math Standards? Check out the CCRS Math Resources section of the CCR Standards resource library!