Writing Resources

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Sentence / Paragraph Writing

365 Days of Writing Prompts

This collection of writing prompts developed by WordPress (2013) was created to get students to write each and every day. It begins with January 1 and proceeds with daily writing questions or statements for every day of the year through December 31.

Diana’s ELL Writing Practice

This website is used as a companion to classroom writing instruction for Low Intermediate ELLs. Each of the 3 sections (Parts of Speech, Verb Tenses, and Sentences) has multiple lessons; all include a voiced-over video (based on class handouts) and quiz (multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank) with immediate feedback.

In Their Own Words: Reading and Understanding Through Paraphrasing

Effective paraphrasing builds students' reading and writing skills and boosts comprehension of complex texts. Summarized here are materials and techniques for teaching paraphrasing in various ABE contexts, including addressing paraphrasing for the GED 2014 Extended Response.

Khan Academy – Sentence Writing

Khan Academy’s grammarians present engaging and entertaining video tutorials and practice exercises on sentence writing (under Syntax: sentences and clauses): sentences, clauses, and conventions. The lessons tend to use higher-level vocabulary words or examples.

Tiered Sentence Combining (TSC, 2014)

Explicit sentence combining instruction can help them write sentences that are longer, more complex or interesting, and varied in structure. This evidence-based resource provides a starting point that may ultimately improve ABE students' sentence composition, complexity, and comprehension.

Write More, Write Now – Sentence/Paragraph Writing

An article summarizing a session called Write More, Write Now, offering a number of strategies related to the differentiation between revising and editing of sentences, paragraphs, and essays.