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  • NEW HyFlex Community of Practice!

NEW HyFlex Community of Practice!

October 19, 2021 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm CDT Free

Registration Deadline: NONE; please click the Google Meet link below to join on the day of the meeting

Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) classes (classes that are taught synchronously in-person with a remote synchronous option) offer students the opportunity to participate online or in the classroom, but can be intimidating for teachers to implement. Literacy Minnesota and the Support Services Distance Learning team would like to invite you to join a new HyFlex Community of Practice facilitated by Cathy Grady from Hubbs Center (Saint Paul Public Schools) and Kirsten Collins from Literacy Minnesota. This group will meet online periodically throughout the school year, and our first meeting is set for October 19 at 2:30pm.

This informal group will be a fun place to share and build on our collective knowledge and experience in this new and growing area. We will decide as a group any areas for future exploration, but some options are: exploring HyFlex technology options, hearing from teachers currently using HyFlex, and classroom management tips for the HyFlex class.

All meetings will be held in Google Meet and are open to both teachers and managers. No need to sign up, just use the below link to join!  We look forward to seeing you then!

Google Meet link:


October 19, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm CDT


Literacy Minnesota
View Organizer Website

Other Info

Registration Deadline
None; click on Google Meet link above



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