
Contact Us

Kristine Kelly

Language & Literacy Coordinator

ATLAS offers various professional development (PD) activities focused on reading instruction for adults. Our professional development offerings are based on Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (EBRI), described in more detail below.

Reading Instruction in Minnesota Adult Education

While spirited debate continues concerning the craft of teaching reading across all contexts, including in adult education, reading remains at the core of our work and is essential to adult students’ goals. Without strong reading skills, students cannot transition easily into postsecondary opportunities, career goals, or community engagement. To that end, the Minnesota Language & Literacy Advisory Team (LLATe) holds that:

  • The ability to read well is critical to participate fully in a literate community. Every student at every level deserves access to rigorous, high-quality literacy instruction.
  • There is no one way to teach reading.
  • Teaching reading is a complex, multifaceted endeavor that is further complicated by the context of adult education, a context marked by limited hours of instruction.
  • Evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) consists of four equally essential components: Alphabetics, Fluency, Vocabulary, & Comprehension.
  • Reading instruction is enhanced by using diagnostic reading assessments (DRA) to prioritize, design, and evaluate teaching and learning.
  • Texts come in many forms, and reading instruction can harness many kinds of text to improve literacy (including, but not limited to, digital, visual, poetic, oral, graphic, narrative).
  • Oral language is at the heart of literacy acquisition.

See the full Language & Literacy Advisory Team statement regarding reading instruction in Minnesota ABE >>

Language & Literacy Institute

One of our primary activities for improving reading instruction is hosting the Language & Literacy Institute, a two-day, intensive training that takes place in late January each year. The large event brings together reading, writing, and ESL educators in ABE to collaborate with and learn from one another. The Language & Literacy Institute is organized by the Language & Literacy Advisory Team, and we offer an array of  workshops on reading and literacy instruction topics that have emerged as priorities in the state. In addition, we offer the CCR (College & Career Readiness) English Language Arts (ELA) Foundation workshop in conjunction with this event each year.

Reading Standards

Are you looking for more information about the College & Career Readiness (CCR) reading standards?

  • Visit the CCR Standards page to find out about professional development around the CCR Standards
  • Visit the CCR Standards library to find resources for implementing the ELA (English Language Arts) Standards, including reading

STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading)

STAR is a national project from the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) that provides research- and expert-proven practices for teaching adults the four major components of reading instruction: alphabeticsfluencyvocabulary, and comprehension. STAR specifically targets adult students reading at grade level equivalents (GLE) 4.0-8.9 – Low/High Intermediate Basic Education (and in Minnesota ABE, Advanced ESL) – which are large and complex populations across the nation.

It is not a reading curriculum, but rather a program-wide reading reform initiative that includes professional development, tools, and resources that expand participants’ knowledge of effective reading instruction. STAR improves the ability of participating practitioners to build local and state systems that support reading improvement.

Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (EBRI)

Evidence-Based Reading Instruction or EBRI is a set of practices proven to increase the reading achievement of a particular student population (including children, adolescents, and adults).

STAR has been very successful across Minnesota, but not all programs are able to implement the reforms necessary – for example, programs serving numerous Beginning level (or pre-STAR) students, the Department of Corrections, and less-populated rural areas.

In an effort to find alternative ways of promoting the integration of EBRI more broadly across the state, in 2012 the Minnesota STAR Leadership Team studied the similarities and differences between STAR and EBRI. They concluded that EBRI practices are broader than STAR and relevant for (most) “EBRIbody” in MN ABE. This means that these practices are appropriate for all program managers and reading teachers committed to increasing the reading achievement of Beginning ABE and ESL Literacy, Beginning Basic Education, Low/High Intermediate Basic Education, Low/High Intermediate ESL, and Advanced ESL students.

STAR and EBRI Practices

  1. Conduct diagnostic reading assessments and use results to plan reading instruction.
  2. Provide direct and explicit instruction in the reading components of need.
  3. Maximize learner (or student) engagement in reading instruction.
  4. Select relevant reading materials and teaching activities.
  5. Organize reading routines based on need(s), monitor their effectiveness, and adjust as needed.

Reading Resources

In addition to the activities listed below, be sure to visit the ATLAS Reading resource library. It contains a wealth of resources on the four components of reading instruction – including MN STAR/EBRI Teacher-Recommended Print and Online Resources – as well as Diagnostic Reading Assessment and more.

Online Courses

NEW! Teaching Reading to Adults Self-Paced Course

The free online Teaching Reading to Adults self-paced course focuses on what evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) is, how to assess adult learners in each of the 4 essential components of reading, and strategies for teaching EBRI. The course is intended for ABE  administrators, teachers, support staff, and volunteers who may be new to teaching reading to adult learners or who may have a lot of experience! Participants can earn 16 CEUs by completing this asynchronous online course.


Teaching Reading to Adults Cohort

The Teaching Reading to Adults mini-cohort focuses on what evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) is, how to assess adult learners in each of the 4 essential components of reading, and strategies for teaching EBRI. This professional development activity takes place over 8 weeks and involves an online course via Canvas and live webinars for a robust learning experience for participants.

Webinar Series

EBRI Webinar Series

This 6-part series of webinars provides the background of Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (EBRI), tools and processes for assessing readers’ strengths and weaknesses, crucial skills for all four reading components, and practitioner-tried routines for teaching them across ABE and ESL levels.

Online Groups

ELA and ESL Online Groups

Join one or both of these online networking communities of practice on the Might Networks platform! These groups serve as a forum for discussion as well as a hub for announcements, resources, and webinar and in-person event information.

Advisory Teams

Language & Literacy Advisory Team

The Language & Literacy Advisory Team (LLATé) is an ATLAS-sponsored team designed to strengthen language, reading, and writing instruction in Minnesota through relevant, meaningful, and effective professional development for practitioners.

The Advisory Team is responsible for visioning and the creating a long-term strategic plan for language & literacy PD in Minnesota, as well as specific tasks yearly to support established PD efforts, such as the January Language & Literacy Institute.


STAR Cohort

The goal of the STAR Cohort is to implement organized reading routines addressing the needs and priorities of NRS ABE levels 2-4 (Beginning Basic ABE, Low-Intermediate, High-Intermediate) and/or NRS ESL 6 (Advanced). Participation in STAR is done at the program level; individuals do not apply, but rather their programs do. NOTE: ATLAS is not currently running any STAR Cohorts.

New Reading Resources

MN STAR/EBRI Teacher-Recommended Vocabulary Resources

This collection of instructional resources for the four components of reading is recommended by Minnesota STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading) and EBRI (Evidence-Based Reading Instruction) teachers. Resources are organized by the four reading components – alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension – and free and pay-for resources are included.

MN STAR/EBRI Teacher-Recommended Fluency Resources

This collection of instructional resources for the four components of reading is recommended by Minnesota STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading) and EBRI (Evidence-Based Reading Instruction) teachers. Resources are organized by the four reading components – alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension – and free and pay-for resources are included.

MN STAR/EBRI Teacher-Recommended Comprehension Resources

for the four components of reading is recommended by Minnesota STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading) and EBRI (Evidence-Based Reading Instruction) teachers. Resources are organized by the four reading components – alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension – and free and pay-for resources are included.

Reading Resource Library »

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PD Catalog

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PD Catalog

Latest Reading Articles

New Canvas Course: Teaching Reading to Adults (Self-Paced)

ATLAS is excited to announce the launch of a new self-paced Canvas course, Teaching Reading to Adults. This course offers a deep dive into evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) for adults and provides a flexible, asynchronous learning opportunity, enabling participants to enhance their skills in assessing and teaching adult learners. Participants can earn CEUs while gaining practical tools for assessing and improving reading skills in alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Read More

Homophones in Isolation for the Adult Learner

Adult learners often wrestle with homophones as texts and conversations are littered with them. Through nine units of shared homophone lessons, teachers control the pace, and the objective is intentionality because homophones are here (hear), there (their/they’re), and everywhere (wear)! Read More

Upcoming ABE Events

February 10, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States
February 11, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States
February 12, 2025 1:00 pm–2:30 pm
Minnesota Department of Education

WebChat with MNABE


Registration Deadline: WED. 2/12/25 WebChat with MN ABE is a webinar discussion led by state ABE staff from the Minnesota Department of Education. Web Chat webinars provide updates from the state ABE office on new and emerging issues and an opportunity for local ABE staff to ask questions… Learn More
