Adult Career Pathways Resources

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Please note that we are currently in the process of updating the ACP Course Curricula section of this website. Thank you for your patience with any broken links in the meantime.

Transitions 101

This webinar provides the basics of what is meant by “Transitions” in adult education. ATLAS and the Minnesota Department of Education give an overview of relevant work and professional learning options around adult career pathways, IET, transitions to post-secondary entry, and more!

Adult Career Pathways Glossary

Confused about Adult Career Pathways and transitions terminology? You're not alone! Check out this handy ACP glossary.

Career Pathways Checklist

This user-friendly 10-page checklist is designed to help determine the extent to which a newly developed or existing ACP program meets the requirements for career pathways as outlined in WIOA.

Differing Types of Workplace Credentials

This 10-minute video from breaks down the differences among credentials, certification, certificates, and licenses. There is also a handout from that breaks down credentials, certification, certificates, and licenses, including how they are awarded, what they indicate, and several examples.

Integrated Education & Training Design Toolkit

The Integrated Education and Training (IET) Toolkit was developed to assist state and local adult education staff to plan, design, implement, and evaluate effective IET programs that are responsive to state and local labor market demands and fulfill the requirements of WIOA. The IET Design Toolkit guides users through a team-based approach to developing customized IET solutions that address the needs of adult learners and local businesses through four iterative phases: Research and Assess, Design and Plan, Develop and Implement, and Evaluate and Improve.

ADVANCE IET Resource Repository

This repository, housed on the LINCS website and developed as part of the ADVANCE IET initiative, offers resources around all aspects of integrated education and training (IET) design and delivery. Resources are geared toward everyone from those creating their first IET program to those with extensive IET experience.

Submit a Curriculum!

Do you have an Adult Career Pathways curriculum to submit for this library? Complete a Course Summary form and submit to ATLAS for review.

Curriculum Use and Sharing

NOTE: All curricula posted in this resource library are free for use and sharing under the following Creative Commons license:

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.