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IET for English Learners Desk Aids

A set of three IET for English Learners Desk Aids and companion QuickStart Guide was developed in 2023 by the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). These resources are five to six pages…

Community Interpreter Credential

Resources related to Community Interpreter have been collected by an ATLAS Credential Specialist experienced in this field. The PDF includes information on the credential including testing, ABE and non-ABE providers that offer training, curriculum links, potential participants, Minnesota wage and outlook information and additional certifications on this career pathway.

Certified Nursing Assistant Credential

Resources related to Certified Nursing Assistant have been collected by an ATLAS Credential Specialist experienced in this field. The PDF includes information on the credential including testing, ABE and non-ABE providers that offer training, curriculum links, potential participants, Minnesota wage and outlook information and additional certifications on this career pathway.

Food Protection Manager Credential

Resources related to Food Protection Manager have been collected by an ATLAS Credential Specialist experienced in this field. The PDF includes information on the credential including testing, ABE and non-ABE providers that offer training, curriculum links, potential participants, Minnesota wage and outlook information and additional certifications on this career pathway.

Single Set of Learning Objectives (SSLO) Rubric Used for IET Application Process

When submitting an IET Application, ABE programs complete a grid with four to six Single Set of Learning Objectives (SSLOs) that integrate the three required components of IET; 1) adult basic literacy, 2) workforce preparation, and 3) occupational skills and knowledge. SSLOs will be evaluated by ATLAS staff based on evidence of the required components, clarity and measurable outcomes. View the full rubric to learn more about SSLO criteria.

Tools for Building Employer-Educator Partnerships

According to the LINCS website: "This website introduces employers and educators to the value of partnering, presents best practices and success stories, and provides links to evidence-based tools for building and sustaining partnerships and creating career pathways. The toolkit is intended to help educators and employers form successful partnerships that will ensure that adult education and career and technical education are truly job-driven. The site presents valuable information in two sections, one tailored for employers and one for educators. Each section includes examples of how partnerships have made a difference as well as links to important resources."

Examples of SSLOs (Single Sets of Learning Objectives)

The following samples of current IET (Integrated Education & Training) SSLOs are provided as examples for creating new SSLOs. Consider how these sample SSLOs integrate the 3 components of an IET: workforce training, adult education skills and workplace preparation.

Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Package

According to the website: "The Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Package offers school and district administrators and staff a framework and roadmap for adopting a trauma-sensitive approach school- or districtwide. The Training Package includes a variety of resources for educating school staff about trauma and trauma-sensitive practices and for providing school leaders with a step-by-step process for implementing a universal, trauma-informed approach using package materials."

Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards (MAWB) Website

MAWB represents the cooperative efforts of 16 area workforce development boards across the state. The MAWB website is the go-to online source for regional and local workforce development board plans, WIOA resources, the Governor’s workforce development board, and much more.

Developing a Single Set of Shared Learning Objectives for Integrated Education and Training – Webinar and Worksheet

An introduction to the elements needed for successful team teaching and, specifically, the development of a single set of integrated learning objectives to guide instruction. IET administrators, ESL instructors and workforce training (CTE) teachers explore approaches and strategies for the planning and successful implementation of integrated programs.

Developing Basic Skills Curriculum for an IET: A Guide for the Pathways to Employment Program

This guide provides resources and tools that will help practitioners plan, design, and implement the basic skills component of an IET (Integrated Education and Training) curriculum. Informed by ISAL’s curriculum design for a variety of career pathways.

Career Path Graphics

These two-sided, colored, nicely designed and formatted graphic handouts are excellent examples of materials that illustrate the value of moving along a career path. Eight documents cover careers in construction, education, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, transportation, information technology and agriculture.

Adult Career Pathways Glossary

Confused about Adult Career Pathways and transitions terminology? You're not alone! Check out this handy ACP glossary.

ACES Observation Tools

These observation tools have been developed to make it easier for you to keep track of ACES implementation in your program.

Explicit Instruction Poster

A printable poster of the 4 steps of explicit instruction.

Navigating the CCRS Tools – ELA

This document provides an overview of the tools to support CCRS Implementation.

CCRS Individualized Instruction Planning Tool – for Programs

The CCRS Individualized Instruction Planning Tool is intended to help teachers in one-room school house or other individualized instruction settings plan and document standards-aligned experiences for all students. This document could be used as a teacher planning tool or as a tracking document in a student’s folder.

CCRS Individualized Instruction Planning Tool – Math

The CCRS Individualized Instruction Planning Tool is intended to help teachers in one-room school house or other individualized instruction settings plan and document standards-aligned experiences for all students. This document could be used as a teacher planning tool or as a tracking document in a student’s folder.

Program CCRS Implementation Plan – TEMPLATE

This blank template was designed to help program teams in the CCRS Implementation Cohort expand several key components of standards implementation beyond their cohort participants.

New Resources

Newsletter Signup

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PD Catalog

Get an overview of all MN Adult Education professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place!

PD Catalog

Presenter Information

Get information about stipends, reimbursements, and other instructions for presenters.

MN ABE YouTube Channel

The MN ABE YouTube Channel is a free online PD resource that you can use to explore teaching techniques and classroom ideas in action! Find out more in this MN ABE Connect newsletter article.

Upcoming ABE Events

September 17, 2024 12:30 pm–1:15 pm
Burlington English

Burlington English Lunch and Learn: How to Lead Student Orientations for Your Own Class


Registration Deadline: TUE. 9/17/24 In this session, we will go over tools and resources for how you can lead your own student orientations for your class/program when onboarding new students to using Burlington English. We will go over important features to focus on and common Q&As. NOTE: Attendees must… Learn More

September 17, 2024 1:00 pm–3:00 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Registration Deadline: TUE. 9/17/24 Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a handful of great comprehension tools that will help students develop critical thinking skills and comprehension skills. Learn More

September 17, 2024 1:00 pm–2:30 pm

Administrator Webinar: Staff Recruitment and Hiring


Registration Deadline: TUE. 9/17/24 If you need ASL interpretation, please contact Marisa Geisler by Thursday, September 12. Attention MN Adult Education Managers and Coordinators! Make time as the new school year begins to connect with your colleagues. Our September webinar topic for ABE administrators is staff… Learn More
