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IET for English Learners Desk Aids

A set of three IET for English Learners Desk Aids and companion QuickStart Guide was developed in 2023 by the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). These resources are five to six pages…

Water: An ESL Curriculum for Adults

This five lesson curriculum was developed by the University of California Extension program. It was designed explicitly for adult EL students and contains simultaneous content and language instruction. The lessons focus on watersheds, water quality, and the water cycle in Los Angeles, CA. Each lesson contains readings, vocabulary, and grammar lessons.

Nature for New Minnesotans – Plants in Minnesota

This curriculum, piloted by Nature for New Minnesotans and University of Minnesota Extension, provides learners with an overview of Minnesota's edible and dangerous plants. The unit was designed for adult EL learners that are low beginner-intermediate, and contains lessons with reading, speaking, and writing opportunities. Science topics covered include photosynthesis, plant nutrients, and invasive species. Informational cards on common edible and dangerous plants in Minnesota are also included.

Nature for New Minnesotans – Climate of Minnesota

This curriculum, piloted by Nature for New Minnesotans and University of Minnesota Extension, provides learners with an overview of Minnesota's climate and biomes. The unit was designed for adult EL learners that are low beginner-intermediate, and contains lessons with reading, speaking, and writing opportunities. The pre-experience lessons for this curriculum are developed for a visit to the Bell Museum, the state of Minnesota's natural history museum.

Nature for New Minnesotans – Fishing and Mercury Pollution: Public Health

This lesson provides reading, writing, and speaking opportunities for students to learn about mercury in fish and its impact on public health. With a focus on Minnesota, the lesson first asks students to share their own experiences with warnings around fish consumption. After reviewing vocabulary, a reading on the dangers of mercury is provided, as well as an online activity that uses the Minnesota Department of Health website to determine safe consumption limits for different groups of people. A hands-on extension activity is included to help students understand the phenomenon of bioaccumulation and biomagnification in fish.


The BEETLEs project is an excellent resource for activities, lessons, and curriculum that explore the natural world. Designed for K-12 and informal science spaces, content focuses on the natural world and how humans understand it.

Climate Generation

Climate Generation offers a suite of Grades 3-12 curriculum resources in the form of curriculum guides, as well as online modules that can be downloaded for free. All of these resources are standards-based and interdisciplinary. In addition, there are lessons focusing on energy use and those using polar expedition journals documenting climate change in the arctic.

Language of Mathematics

The target audience for the Math Materials are beginning level ABE to Intermediate level ABE students, especially non-native speakers. There multi-lingual glossaries to help students learn the vocabulary associated with basic math, fractions and percents, basic algebra and geometry. Teachers can print out a glossary for a student to use, or link these resources to a classroom website. In addition, there are math chants and math games provided to practice math vocabulary.

Translating Word Problems: Keywords

This article offers recommendations for how students should approach word problems, as well as a list of mathematical terms that indicate specific operations.

New Resources

Transitions 101

This webinar provides the basics of what is meant by “Transitions” in adult education. ATLAS and the Minnesota Department of Education give an overview of relevant work and professional learning options around adult career pathways, IET, transitions to post-secondary entry, and more!

Video #6: Analyzing Our Lessons with the Culture Tree

The Culture Tree helps us name tangible parts of culture, so that when we look at our lesson plans, we can figure out how much of the content is based on our own culture and ways of seeing/thinking of things. Therefore, once we name what part of culture the lesson connects with, we can then think about what kinds of discussion questions or content will invite learners to share about their own experiences. This makes class more relevant and helps learners bridge information they already know to new skills and knowledge.

Videos Series: Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education

Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education is a series of short videos around DEI/antiracism topics in adult education. Each video and accompanying discussion questions will package an important concept that works toward justice in a format that is easily accessible for educators. Videos cover topics such as understanding culture, discovering learners’ funds of knowledge, being a warm demander, and using diverse teaching materials.

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PD Catalog

Get an overview of all MN Adult Education professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place!

PD Catalog

Presenter Information

Get information about stipends, reimbursements, the MN Adult Ed policy on use of images in presentations, and other instructions for presenters.


MN Adult Ed YouTube Channel

The MN Adult Education YouTube Channel is a free online PD resource that you can use to explore teaching techniques and classroom ideas in action! Find out more in this MN ABE Connect newsletter article.


ATLAS Announcements & Future PD

Check out the latest list of ATLAS professional development announcements and opportunities! This is the document that is shared at all ATLAS events.


Virtual Meeting Resources

Find resources for conducting online meetings/events/presentations! You are welcome to use and adapt these materials to fit your own needs and context.


Upcoming ABE Events

February 10, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States
February 11, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States
February 12, 2025 1:00 pm–2:30 pm
Minnesota Department of Education

WebChat with MNABE


Registration Deadline: WED. 2/12/25 WebChat with MN ABE is a webinar discussion led by state ABE staff from the Minnesota Department of Education. Web Chat webinars provide updates from the state ABE office on new and emerging issues and an opportunity for local ABE staff to ask questions… Learn More
