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National Geographic: Antibiotic Resistance is Beefing Up

This is a leveled reading for 3-12th grade and discusses the genetic resistance of bacteria and its impact on public health. The reading introduces the concept of genetic resistance, which is a common topic on the GED/HiSET exams.

National Geographic: The Mantle

This activity provides readings, and diagrams of the Earth's layers. It introduces relevant vocabulary and discusses how the major layers of the Earth differ from each other. This concept, which is commonly seen on the GED/HiSET, is a good introduction to larger discussion of plate tectonics.

Minnesota State Requirements for GED®

Get information on the eligibility requirements for taking the GED® Exam in Minnesota, including age, residency, test preparation and instruction, practice testing, and more.

Accommodations for GED Testing

Get information on accessing the GED® test for anyone with disabilities. Test accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis and include things such as extra testing time, extra breaks, and a separate testing room.


Find the answers to common test taker questions about the GED®, including free downloadable practice tests and other resources you need to pass the GED® and earn your high school equivalency credential.

Creating a GED Testing Account

Sign in or create an account to retrieve your GED test information.

New Resources

Video #6: Analyzing Our Lessons with the Culture Tree

The Culture Tree helps us name tangible parts of culture, so that when we look at our lesson plans, we can figure out how much of the content is based on our own culture and ways of seeing/thinking of things. Therefore, once we name what part of culture the lesson connects with, we can then think about what kinds of discussion questions or content will invite learners to share about their own experiences. This makes class more relevant and helps learners bridge information they already know to new skills and knowledge.

Videos Series: Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education

Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education is a series of short videos around DEI/antiracism topics in adult education. Each video and accompanying discussion questions will package an important concept that works toward justice in a format that is easily accessible for educators. Videos cover topics such as understanding culture, discovering learners’ funds of knowledge, being a warm demander, and using diverse teaching materials.

ACES Foundations Online Course

This free online course on the Canvas platform provides an introduction to ACES (Academic, Career and Employability Skills) and the TIF (Transitions Integration Framework). Participants can complete the entire course or access specific topics for a refresher, and can earn 6 CEUs for successful completion of all lesson reviews in the course.

Newsletter Signup

Get MN ABE Connect—the official source for ABE events, activities, and resources!

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PD Catalog

Get an overview of all MN Adult Education professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place!

PD Catalog

Presenter Information

Get information about stipends, reimbursements, the MN Adult Ed policy on use of images in presentations, and other instructions for presenters.


MN Adult Ed YouTube Channel

The MN Adult Education YouTube Channel is a free online PD resource that you can use to explore teaching techniques and classroom ideas in action! Find out more in this MN ABE Connect newsletter article.


ATLAS Announcements & Future PD

Check out the latest list of ATLAS professional development announcements and opportunities! This is the document that is shared at all ATLAS events.


Virtual Meeting Resources

Find resources for conducting online meetings/events/presentations! You are welcome to use and adapt these materials to fit your own needs and context.


Upcoming ABE Events

January 15, 2025 12:30 pm–1:45 pm

One-Room Schoolhouse Community of Practice


Registration Deadline: Day of each session Join fellow one-room schoolhouse practitioners from around the state for our kickoff webinar! This first gathering of the year will be facilitated by Astrid Liden (MDE) and Patsy Egan (ATLAS), and we hope we bring together anyone who teaches adults in settings… Learn More

January 15, 2025 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Volunteer Core Training Module 2: Understanding Adult Learners


Registration Deadline: WED. 1/15/25 Participants develop their personal cultural awareness and learn how expectations around school culture shape how people teach and learn. Guiding principles for effectively delivering instruction to adults are also covered. Finally, participants increase their sensitivity to the challenges of learning English and developing literacy… Learn More

January 17, 2025 10:00 am–11:00 am

Support Staff Coffee Break – Digital Inclusion (Virtual)


Registration Deadline: FRI. 1/17/25 On January 17, the Support Staff Online Coffee Break Series will continue with Elizabeth Bennett helping participants to understand what the word “digital inclusion” means in ABE. Discussion will focus on how access to technology can help learners be more included and empowered in… Learn More
