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Code Switch

This podcast produced by NPR features episodes that explore the ways that race intersects with ethnicity, gender, religion and culture and its implications on our lives. The hosts and producers Shereen Marisol Maraji and Gene Demby both identify as BIPOC. They provide unique insights and reporting to topics relating to race.

Call to Mind: Spotlight on Childhood Trauma

According to the website, Call to Mind is an initiative by MPR to inform and generate conversations about mental health. This podcast explores the impact of childhood trauma on mental health and suggests ways to build resilience in children. The impact of childhood trauma on adults is applicable to ABE practitioners.


The TeachThought website has many curated resources for teaching Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy skills, including a podcast and articles for teachers that describe best practices, new approaches, and ways to cultivate a 21st century classroom.

Retrieval Practice

Retrieval practice is a learning strategy based on the idea that students need to practice recalling and using the information that they learn in class on a regular basis, and not just when it’s time for a test or quiz. The Retrieval Practice website was created by a cognitive research scientist to be “a hub of research, resources, and teaching strategies based on the science of learning.”


The Culips website houses over 400 audio episodes that can be used to teach "conversational English for everyday use." The searchable website makes it easy to find an episode that discusses themes related to a variety of common ESL topics, such as wellness, employment, and hobbies.

English as a Second Language Podcast

English as a Second Language Podcast was developed to help students learn English by listening to short, engaging conversations about high-interest topics. Use it with your ELL students to help them develop essential learning strategies such as making predictions, making use of background knowledge to understand new ideas and identifying main idea when reading and listening.

New Resources

Transitions 101

This webinar provides the basics of what is meant by “Transitions” in adult education. ATLAS and the Minnesota Department of Education give an overview of relevant work and professional learning options around adult career pathways, IET, transitions to post-secondary entry, and more!

Video #6: Analyzing Our Lessons with the Culture Tree

The Culture Tree helps us name tangible parts of culture, so that when we look at our lesson plans, we can figure out how much of the content is based on our own culture and ways of seeing/thinking of things. Therefore, once we name what part of culture the lesson connects with, we can then think about what kinds of discussion questions or content will invite learners to share about their own experiences. This makes class more relevant and helps learners bridge information they already know to new skills and knowledge.

Videos Series: Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education

Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education is a series of short videos around DEI/antiracism topics in adult education. Each video and accompanying discussion questions will package an important concept that works toward justice in a format that is easily accessible for educators. Videos cover topics such as understanding culture, discovering learners’ funds of knowledge, being a warm demander, and using diverse teaching materials.

Newsletter Signup

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PD Catalog

Get an overview of all MN Adult Education professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place!

PD Catalog

Presenter Information

Get information about stipends, reimbursements, the MN Adult Ed policy on use of images in presentations, and other instructions for presenters.


MN Adult Ed YouTube Channel

The MN Adult Education YouTube Channel is a free online PD resource that you can use to explore teaching techniques and classroom ideas in action! Find out more in this MN ABE Connect newsletter article.


ATLAS Announcements & Future PD

Check out the latest list of ATLAS professional development announcements and opportunities! This is the document that is shared at all ATLAS events.


Virtual Meeting Resources

Find resources for conducting online meetings/events/presentations! You are welcome to use and adapt these materials to fit your own needs and context.


Upcoming ABE Events

February 7, 2025 8:30 am–12:30 pm

PELSB Cultural Competency Training – Part 1


Registration Deadline: THU. 2/6/25 Facilitated by Dr. Rose Wan-Mui Chu and Andrea Echelberger, this online PELSB-approved cultural competency training is aligned to state statute and provides Minnesota adult educators the opportunity to engage in dialogue, activities, and reflective practices to increase their cultural awareness and competency. Learn More

February 7, 2025 1:00 pm–3:00 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Volunteer Core Training Module 2: Understanding Adult Learners


Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 Participants develop their personal cultural awareness and learn how expectations around school culture shape how people teach and learn. Guiding principles for effectively delivering instruction to adults are also covered. Finally, participants increase their sensitivity to the challenges of learning English and developing literacy… Learn More

February 10, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States