Presenter Information
Presenter Information Form
The ATLAS Event Presenter Form is required for all presenters, co-presenters, panelists, and facilitators at an ATLAS event. (NOTE: Summer Institute is not an ATLAS event.)
- Virtual Events/Webinars: The form allows ATLAS staff to plan and provide support for all presenter needs, such as use of virtual breakout rooms, annotation tools, participant controls, and so on. Presenters must still register for the virtual event via Zoom.
- In-Person Events: The form allows ATLAS staff to provide support for all in-person presenter needs and also serves as event registration; presenters should not complete the regular participant registration form for in-person events. There is no registration fee for anyone presenting at an ATLAS event.
Policy: Use of Images
Minnesota Adult Education policy requires that all presenters use only open-source images in their presentation slides and materials. Use of copyrighted images is wrong and can result in hefty fines for MN Adult Ed professional development providers. Please contact Marisa Geisler with any questions.
- Guidelines for Finding Open-Source Images – Are you certain the images in your PowerPoint are not subject to copyright? Hint: Doing a Google search is NOT the way to find usable images! These guidelines will help you determine which images are usable and where you can find them.
Effective Presentations
- Top Methods for Accessibility – Created by PANDA, this resource contains a checklist of top methods to make presentations accessible to all.
- Making Presentations Accessible Through Universal Design for Learning – Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a method which promotes making instruction welcoming, accessible and inclusive to all learning styles and abilities. The principles of UDL include providing multiple means of representation, action/expression and engagement. The tips presented by PANDA here are suggestions for developing materials and presenting workshops with UDL principles in mind.
Presenting Online
- Online Meetings: Best Practices – This short guide provides a framework for conducting effective online meetings and presentations, including considerations for before, during, and after the meeting; tools for planning and hosting; tech tips for screen sharing; and a Zoom tech troubleshooting tool.
- Guidance for Planning Longer In-Person & Online Sessions – A list of recommendations around technology, presentation practices and tools for sessions lasting 75 minutes or longer.
- Screen Sharing & Presenting Guide (for Zoom) – Recommendations and troubleshooting for sharing your screen, projecting presentation slides, and navigating Zoom while presenting.
General Presenting
- Presenter Handbook – Are you fairly new to presenting at ABE events? This short handbook was designed just for you! This guide was created by a subgroup of the MN ABE Professional Development (PD) Committee.
- 5.5 Tips for Designing Great Workshop Presentations – Are you getting ready to present at Summer Institute? Do you want to learn how to design effective presentations? Are you looking to make your great workshops even greater? In this recorded webinar, Literacy Minnesota training director Rob Podlasek shares 5 1/2 easy-to-implement tips to keep your presentations rolling and your audience members happy. This session is appropriate for novice presenters as well as experienced trainers (with the workshop evaluation scars to prove it). As an added bonus, you’ll learn about a variety of presenter resources that are available on the ATLAS website.
- Powerful & Effective Presentations: How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint – Created by Duren Thompson and Bill McNutt from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, this guide is full of great tips for both new and experienced presenters.
- Guidance for Planning Longer In-Person & Online Sessions – A list of recommendations around presentation flow, practices and tools for sessions lasting 75 minutes or longer.
Materials & Technology
For ATLAS events, we will always provide a projector, flip chart paper, markers, and wifi access; presenters should plan to bring their own laptop (unless informed otherwise).
NOTE: Please make sure you download all your presentation materials, PowerPoints, etc. onto your laptop and/or a flash drive so that you don’t have to rely on wireless internet to access them, in case there are unexpected connectivity issues at a particular venue.
Presenter Stipends
ATLAS is pleased to provide the following stipends to presenters as a thank-you for sharing their expertise. Presenters: If your program requires reimbursement for substitute teacher costs, please contact Marisa Geisler.
NOTE: Visit the Submit Invoice page to fill out the necessary payment forms.
A) Shorter (up to 90-minute) Workshops/Webinars
Stipends for commissioned 45-minute workshops generally follow these guidelines:
- Initial delivery of a 45-minute workshop – $200 for 1 presenter; $125/each for 2 presenters; $100/each for 3 presenters
- Repeat delivery of a 45-minute workshop – $100 for 1 presenter; $75/ each for 2 presenters; $50 each for 3 presenters
Stipends for commissioned 60- to 90-minute workshops generally follow these guidelines:
- Initial delivery of a 60- to 90-minute workshop – $300 for 1 presenter; $200/each for 2 presenters; $125/each for 3 presenters
- Repeat delivery of a 60- to 90-minute workshop – $150 for 1 presenter; $125/ each for 2 presenters; $100 each for 3 presenters
B) Longer Workshops/Webinars
Stipends for 2- to 3-hour commissioned workshops at full-day institutes generally follow these guidelines:
- Initial delivery of a 2- to 3-hour workshop – $400 for 1 presenter; $250/each for 2 presenters; $175/each for 3 presenters
- Repeat delivery of a 2- to 3-hour workshop – $200 for 1 presenter; $150/each for 2 presenters; $125/each for 3 presenters
Stipends for 6-hour commissioned workshops at full-day institutes generally follow these guidelines:
- Initial delivery of a 6-hour workshop – $800 for 1 presenter; $500/each for 2 presenters; $300/each for 3 presenters
- Repeat delivery of a 6-hour workshop – $400 for 1 presenter; $300/each for 2 presenters; $200/each for 3 presenters
C) Panel Presentations, Roundtables, “Coffee Break” Sessions/Webinars
Stipends for panel presentations generally follow these guidelines:
- Panel facilitator: $150
- Panelists: $75 each
Stipends for Roundtables and Coffee Break style sessions generally follow these guidelines:
- Facilitation: $100 for 1 facilitator, $75 each for 2 or more facilitators
Travel Expenses
If you are traveling more than 50 miles one-way (100 miles round trip) to present, ATLAS is able to reimburse your travel expenses as follows:
- Mileage: 100% at current federally approved rate
- Hotel: up to $150 per night
- Note: Meals beyond what is served at the event are not reimbursable.
If a hotel block has been set aside for an event, you will find that information posted in the Events calendar; you are welcome to book a room at that hotel. If no hotel block has been set aside, feel free to make arrangements wherever is convenient for you.
Visit the Submit Invoice page to fill out the necessary payment forms.
ATLAS can cover the cost of the copies for your presentation if you are unable to make them at your program or on your own. Please note that to be eligible for reimbursement, these copies must be black-and-white, and multi-page documents must be double-sided.
You may choose one of two options:
- Email the documents as PDF, Word, or PPT attachments (no Google Docs or Google Drive lists) to Gail Rutan with detailed printing instructions for each document and a minimum number of 10 copies per page. All copy requests must be received no later than 10 business days before the event. (Sorry – no exceptions.)
- Have the copies made at a copy center and submit an invoice with a receipt for reimbursement (see invoicing process below).
Payment/Invoicing Process
In order to receive any type of payment from ATLAS, you must submit an invoice. The ATLAS invoice includes spaces where you can claim your mileage (Part A), hotel and/or photocopying expenses (Part B), and presenter stipend (Part C). Please note that valid receipts are required for both hotel and copying expenses.
To request sub pay reimbursement instead of a presenter stipend, simply have your program submit an invoice to ATLAS outlining the costs. You may still submit a personal invoice to claim travel and copying expenses.
Please submit your paperwork within two weeks of the event. The necessary forms, along with detailed instructions on the invoicing process, are found on the Submit Invoice page.
NOTE: Please direct payment-related questions only to Marisa Squadrito Geisler.
ATLAS Event Presenter Form
Presenting at an ATLAS event? Please fill out the ATLAS Event Presenter Form.
ATLAS Event Presenter FormPayment
Get instructions for submitting an invoice for payment. Please direct all payment questions to Marisa Squadrito Geisler.
Submit Invoice