CCR Standards

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Kristine Kelly

Language & Literacy Coordinator

Minnesota Adult Education Content Standards

As part of our transition to a standards-based system and in order to comply with WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) requirements, Minnesota has adopted the College & Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS), along with the ACES Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) and the Northstar Digital Literacy Standards, as our content standards for ABE. (Visit for more information on Northstar.)

As seen in the visual above, the business of Minnesota Adult Education is helping students attain the academic, transitions, and digital literacy skills they need to transition to whatever is next in their lives. This is the “what” of our instruction.

These skills are taught via meaningful content, the subject matter or context that is central to the instruction. This content may be related to an adult career pathway such as nursing or construction, or it may be focused on science or social studies if students are preparing for GED or a secondary credential. The content may also be connected to daily life skills and civics, such as navigating the community and accessing resources if students are newer to the US. Meaningful content could also be related to financial literacy, health literacy, and developing a future pathway. In Adult Education, much depends on the program, context, and students’ goals!

CCRS for Adult Education

The College & Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS) is the document that lays out the standards for English Language Arts/Literacy, Math, and Foundational Reading Skills. It forms the foundation of the CCRS Implementation Cohort, a year-long MN ABE professional development activity that prepares program teams to align curriculum and instruction to the CCR Standards and develop a long-term standards implementation plan for their program (see more information below).

The CCRS document itself is divided into two sections:

  • English Language Arts and Literacy (ELA): found on pages 9-43
  • Mathematics: found on pages 44-84

Online Courses

CCRS Foundations Online Course

This free online course on the Canvas platform provides an introduction to the CCR standards for English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics in a self-paced format. Participants can complete the entire course for ELA and/or Mathematics, or access specific topics for a refresher or further practice.

This course meets the prerequisite requirement for several MN ABE professional development activities, including the CCRS Implementation Cohort.


CCRS Foundations Workshops

These face-to-face workshops engage participants in a guided exploration of the CCR standards for ELA (English Language Arts/Literacy) or Mathematics.

These workshops meet the prerequisite requirement for several MN ABE professional development activities, including the CCRS Implementation Cohort and Adult Diploma Training.


CCRS Implementation Cohort

The CCRS Implementation Cohort is a year-long, intensive professional development activity. It prepares program teams to align curriculum and instruction to the CCR standards, develop a long-term standards implementation plan for their program, and, ultimately, improve learning outcomes for students. Participation in the cohort is done at the program level; individuals do not apply, but rather their programs do.

New CCR Standards Resources

CCRS Foundations Online Course

This free online course on the Canvas platform provides an introduction to the CCR standards for English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics in a self-paced format. Participants can complete the entire course for ELA and/or Mathematics, or access specific topics for a refresher or further practice. This course meets the prerequisite requirement for several MN ABE professional development activities, including the CCRS Implementation Cohort.

CCRS Implementation Guided Study: Program-Based CCRS Support

The CCRS Implementation Guided Study opportunity is a “light” version of the CCRS Implementation Cohort that includes a facilitation guide, Google Slides presentations, and all accompanying materials needed to lead advanced CCRS work on a program or team level – for ELA, Math, or both – all housed in a Canvas platform “course.” This guided study uses the same tools for instructors to practice analyzing lessons, units, instructional tasks, and resources that are used in CCRS Implementation Cohort, held every other year on a statewide level.

ELA CCRS Evaluation & High Value Action Alignment Tool

Use this tool to determine a resource’s (curriculum, text, lesson, book, etc.) level of CCRS alignment and to identify specific high-value actions to improve a resource’s alignment to the CCRS. Use the embedded note sheet to record your thoughts.
CCR Standards

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Latest CCR Standards Articles

2024-2025 CCRS Implementation Cohort Applications Due June 3, 2024!

Don't miss the chance to participate in the next CCRS Implementation Cohort and collaborate with colleagues on strengthening standards-based instruction in your program! After the 2024/2025 year, the next offering won't be until 2026/2027. Read More

CCRS Foundations and ABE Foundations on Canvas: New and Improved!

Join us online for CCRS Foundations and ABE Foundations in the new Canvas platform. Check out new and revised content, more opportunities for interaction, and the most updated information on teaching with the CCRS and working in our amazing MN Adult Education system! Read More

Upcoming ABE Events

September 17, 2024 12:30 pm–1:15 pm
Burlington English

Burlington English Lunch and Learn: How to Lead Student Orientations for Your Own Class


Registration Deadline: TUE. 9/17/24 In this session, we will go over tools and resources for how you can lead your own student orientations for your class/program when onboarding new students to using Burlington English. We will go over important features to focus on and common Q&As. NOTE: Attendees must… Learn More

September 17, 2024 1:00 pm–3:00 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Registration Deadline: TUE. 9/17/24 Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a handful of great comprehension tools that will help students develop critical thinking skills and comprehension skills. Learn More

September 17, 2024 1:00 pm–2:30 pm

Administrator Webinar: Staff Recruitment and Hiring


Registration Deadline: TUE. 9/17/24 If you need ASL interpretation, please contact Marisa Geisler by Thursday, September 12. Attention MN Adult Education Managers and Coordinators! Make time as the new school year begins to connect with your colleagues. Our September webinar topic for ABE administrators is staff… Learn More
