
SiD 19-20 Annual Report End of Year Prep (B)


Registration Deadline: WED. 4/29/20 This workshop will prepare staff who are responsible for the ABE annual report. Topics: Upcoming reporting deadlines Clean up and collect student info Clean up and collect staff info Turn in Tables A, B, 7 & 13 MDE policy changes and SiD reminders


ABE Teacher Virtual Coffee Break – COVID-19 Mental Wellness For You and Your Students


Registration Deadline: WED. 4/29/20 Join PANDA manager and Licensed Psychologist, Wendy Sweeney, on Wednesday, April 29 at 1 pm for a coffee break!  A brief overview of how the COVID-19 pandemic can impact mental health along with strategies to manage stress, anxiety and depression to stay mentally well will be shared.  This will be followed […]


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