
WIOA MOU/IFAs for ABE Professionals


Registration Deadline: THU. 11/3/22 Local workforce development boards are currently working on redoing their MOUs and IFAs with WIOA required partners. Come learn more about these documents and the role of ABE in this work. Presenters include: Jeanna Fortney, Director of the Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards and Juanita Borton, CareerForce Systems Operations Coordinator at […]


CCRS TA Webinar: Math Sprinkles for Your Classroom Routines


Registration Deadline: THU. 11/3/22 Don't teach a math class? No problem! This session will go over a few numeracy routines that you can use in your classroom no matter what content you teach. Come experience some math-y ways of taking attendance, talking about the weather, and building graphic literacy. These activities will not only address […]


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