
WebChat with MDE


Registration Deadline: WED. 11/01/23 If you need ASL interpretation for this event, please contact Wendy Her at [email protected] by Monday, October 23, 2023. Web Chat with MN ABE is a webinar discussion led by state ABE staff from the Minnesota Department of Education. Web Chat webinars provide updates from the state ABE office on new […]


CCRS Support Webinar (1 of 3): Attention Teachers! Let’s Talk about the New CASAS Assessments


REGISTRATION DEADLINE: WED. 11/1/23 Heard about the new English language proficiency test on its way from CASAS that will replace the CASAS Life & Work Series? Wondering what it all means? You’re not alone!  This session will help clarify what’s going on with the new assessment, how it’s related to CCRS and the English Language Proficiency […]


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