Registration Fee Payments
Payee – Hamline University
Please make all purchase orders and checks payable to Hamline University (not ATLAS).
- Please email purchase orders to Marisa Squadrito Geisler at or fax them to the ATLAS office at 651-523-3083.
- Please mail checks to the following address (NOT to ATLAS):
Hamline University
ATTN: Accounts Payable
1536 Hewitt Avenue, MS-B1809
St. Paul, MN 55104
Credit Card Payments
Can I pay by credit card? YES!
ATLAS can accept credit card and PayPal payments. Simply choose the PayPal/credit card option when registering for an event. You will then be able to pay with either a credit card or your PayPal account.
Can I pay for multiple registrations by credit card? YES!
We are in the process of creating payment forms that enable you to pay for multiple registrations at once with a credit card. Contact Marisa at to get the proper link.
Can I use my credit card to pay for a registration that already went through? YES!
Did you or your staff already register for an event, and now you want to pay by credit card? No problem! Contact Marisa at to get the proper link.
Can I use my credit card to pay off an invoice? Unfortunately no.
This is the one thing we are not yet set up to do. Invoices must be paid by check.
Presenter Information
Get information about stipends, reimbursements, and other instructions for presenters.
Presenter InformationSubmit an Invoice
Find instructions and links for submitting an invoice to receive payment from ATLAS.
Submit Invoice