
Office & Parking
The ATLAS office is located in Drew Residence Hall, on the north side of Hewitt Avenue, east of Snelling Avenue (between Snelling and Pascal).
Parking is available in Lot B, just east of Drew Hall. Please note that during the school year, you will need to get a parking pass from ATLAS staff before parking in the lot.
To find our office, enter Drew Hall from the main entrance off of Hewitt (up a staircase facing south), and walk straight forward down the hallway. Go down a short stair and continue till you reach a door on the right with a sign above it that says “Stairwell to Rooms 1-11.” Enter that doorway, which leads down a long hallway. Our office is Suite 72, the second suite on the left.
Patsy Egan, PhD
DirectorContact Patsy for:
- Professional development (PD) requests
- ATLAS advisory teams (Language & Literacy, MN Numeracy Initiative, Adult Career Pathways, Administrator PD)
- ABE license inquiries
- Statewide/systems-level PD questions
Marisa Squadrito Geisler
Operations ManagerContact Marisa Squadrito for:
- Financial questions: billing, payment, POs (purchase orders), reimbursement
- ATLAS website issues
- MN ABE Connect newsletter
Kristine Kelly
Language & Literacy CoordinatorContact Kristine for:
- CCRS (College & Career Readiness Standards) Cohort
- CCRS Foundations online course
- CCRS English Language Arts & Literacy (ELA) questions: Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening and Language
- EBRI (Evidence-Based Reading Instruction) and STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading) instruction
- Adult Diploma & High School Equivalency (HSE)
- Language & Literacy Advisory Team
Lindsey Pust
Numeracy & Program Support CoordinatorContact Lindsey for:
- CCRS Math cohort
- CCRS Math & other numeracy-related professional development and questions
- ABE Foundations / staff orientation (inc. ABE Foundations online course)
- Administrator professional development
Gail Rutan
Senior Events ManagerContact Gail for:
- Presenters: Meeting rooms set-ups, AV, and other logistical requests. Registration, guest rooms, participant number information, copy requests and all venue questions.
- Participants: Registration questions, special dietary and other needs, guest rooms, cancellations, flyer/schedules for meetings and events, CEUs.
- Venues/Suppliers: Guest room blocks, billing, audio visual, set-up questions, schedules, catering, and all logistical concerns.
Carly Voshell
Transitions and Adult Career Pathways CoordinatorContact Carly for:
- Transitions to post-secondary and careers
- Adult Career Pathways (ACP)
- Integrated Education & Training (IET) and SSLOs (Shared Set of Learning Objectives)