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  • Language & Literacy Institute 2025 – Bloomington, MN

Language & Literacy Institute 2025 – Bloomington, MN

January 23 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm CST
Event Series Event Series (See All)
$35 – $45

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. No additional registrations can be accommodated.

NOTE: Anyone attending the conference, including presenters, MUST register!

HOTEL GUEST ROOMS: ATLAS is holding a block of discounted rooms at the event venue, Embassy Suites by Hilton-Minneapolis Airport; however, space is limited and based on first come, first served. Register by Sunday, January 5 if a guest room is needed! You can reserve a room only through the ATLAS Registration Form.

PROGRAM SCHEDULE (with Session Descriptions)
Note: All sessions are in-person only and will not be recorded.

If you require ASL interpretation, contact Gail Rutan at [email protected]
Thursday, January 23, 2025 Friday, January 24, 2025
8:30 Welcome & General Updates 8:30 Welcome & General Updates
9:00 Break 9:00 Break
9:15 Session 1 (2 hrs) A, B, C 9:15 Session 4 (2 hrs) A, B, C
11:15 Break 11:15 Break
11:30 Information Sessions (45 min) 11:30 Roundtable Discussions (45 min)
12:15 Lunch 12:15 Lunch
1:15 Session 2 (75 min) A, B, C 1:15 Session 5 (75 min) A, B, C
2:30 Break 2:30 Break
2:45 Session 3 (75 min) A, B, C 2:45 Session 6 (75 min) A, B, C



Thursday, January 23 – 9:15 am – 4 pm:

  • CCRS Foundations – Math, presented by Amber Delliger and Genna Hart

Amber Delliger (she/her) is a math instructor with Metro North Adult Education at the Anoka-Ramsey Community College: Rapids Campus. She has been active in adult education and adult numeracy for over 17 years and has been active in CCRS implementation work since 2016. In addition to presenting at the local, state and national level for K-16 instructors around adult numeracy and soft skills topics, Amber participates on the MN Numeracy Instruction Advisory Team and the Transitions Professional Development Advisory Team.

Genna Hart, MEd (she/her), has worked in ABE since 2022 as the lead teacher for Diploma Connect program at Project for Pride in Living in Minneapolis. Before starting her ABE journey, Genna worked as a Special Education Teacher for 10 years with a focus on math and transition skills. In the Diploma Connect program, Genna teaches numeracy skills and math to help adults earn their adult high school diploma.


  • CCRS Foundations – ELA, presented by Erin Cary and Kristine Kelly

Erin Cary, MA-ESL (she/her), has worked in MN ABE since 2009, as a teacher, administrator, and in curriculum writing and professional development. She currently teaches beginner ELLs for Metro North ABE in Brooklyn Center and coordinates development of a digital skill-building adult ELL civics curriculum project through UMD. She is a co-founder of the teacher/learner self-advocacy movement #IamABE, which supports equity work and activism in MN adult education.

 Kristine Kelly (she/her) is the ATLAS Literacy & Language Coordinator and serves as the state lead for implementation of the CCR ELA standards. For 24 years in MN Adult Education, Kristine taught GED/high school diploma, reading and writing, and postsecondary transitions. She presents workshops locally and nationally, researches and identifies resources for adult reading and writing instruction, provides ELA instructional coaching and co-leads the MN Language & Literacy Advisory Team (LLATe).


Friday, January 24 – 9:15 am-4 pm:

  • Beginning ESL Literacy-Level Session, presented by Jennifer Christenson

Jennifer Christenson creates and shares resources for teachers working with adult English learners at the beginning literacy level through her website abc English. The materials are designed to be clear, engaging, and relevant for adult and adolescent English learners from refugee and immigrant backgrounds. Jennifer has taught literacy level adult English learners in a variety of settings including traditional classroom instruction as well as family literacy, onsite workplace education, 1-on-1 literacy tutoring, and remote virtual teaching. She also has 11 years experience as a program coordinator for a medium sized adult English learner workplace partnership program in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jennifer is a certified K-12 teacher, and completed graduate level study in Adult Education and Curriculum Development through Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT. Jennifer was a runner-up for the 2016 COABE Teacher of the Year Award and was selected as the Utah Adult Education Association’s Outstanding Leader of the Year in 2020. To learn more about resources for teaching adult English learners with emerging literacy skills, visit


Cost: $35 for one day, $45 for both days (after January 17, a $15 late registration fee will be applied)

  • Need to pay for multiple registrations at once?
    Or need to pay for a registration that already was submitted? 

    • By credit card/PayPal: Have your staff mark “Please bill my organization” when registering, and contact Marisa Geisler ([email protected]) for the appropriate payment form.
    • By check/PO: Have your staff mark “Please bill my organization” when registering, and ATLAS will invoice your program. Please do not send checks until you are invoiced.

Travel Scholarships: 
ATLAS will cover both mileage and hotel costs for Minnesota Adult Ed practitioners traveling over 50 miles one-way to the event. There is no scholarship application to fill out; ATLAS will pay the hotel directly for your lodging IF you choose that option upon registering, and you can simply submit an ATLAS invoice after the conference to receive your mileage reimbursement. Please visit for instructions on submitting your invoice (and Form W-9, if needed). DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: FRI. 2/14/25

Hamline Graduate Credit Available! Would you like to earn 1 graduate credit for attending the Language & Literacy Institute 202for the reduced rate of $200? Simply register via this form by February 14, 2025, attend both days of the Institute on January 23 & 24 and submit a summary and application task of something that you learned to the instructor, Kristine Kelly at [email protected]. For more information about Hamline’s ABE license (this Language & Literacy Institute credit can be applied as an elective!), click here.


January 23
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
$35 – $45


View Organizer Website

Other Info

Registration Deadline
FRI 1/17/25
6 THU; 6 FRI
Complimentary in Hotel Parking Lot


Embassy Suites by Hilton – Minneapolis Airport
7901 34th Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55425 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

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