
Event Series Antiracist Praxis Study Circle

Antiracist Praxis Study Circle


Application deadline: FRI. 1/19/24 Many of us have heard the terms antiracist and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), but how do we actually implement these large frameworks into our adult English classrooms? This study circle goes beyond defining antiracism and explores how the research around Translanguaging by Ofelia García and Culturally Responsive Teaching by Zaretta […]


Building Success: An Overview of Establishing a HiSET Test Center


Registration Deadline: MON. 2/12/24 Speak with Tess Yuirk, HiSET Adult Education Manager, during this webinar. We will look at testing modalities for student testing, discuss the reasons for test center set-up, look at the types of test centers, walk through the process of setting up a test center, and have time for Q & A […]


Volunteer Core Training Module 2: Understanding Adult Learners


Registration Deadline: MON. 2/12/24 Participants develop their personal cultural awareness and learn how expectations around school culture shape how people teach and learn. Guiding principles for effectively delivering instruction to adults are also covered. Finally, participants increase their sensitivity to the challenges of learning English and developing literacy as an adult.


CCRS Support Webinar (2 of 3): Keys to Unlocking the Treasures of Academic Content


REGISTRATION DEADLINE: TUE. 2/13/24 Looking for some concrete strategies to help your learners access academic language/content in multiple subject areas? Join our four panelists, interact with strategies they use in their teaching and reflect on how you might incorporate one or more into your instruction. Our panelists will be Amber Delliger (Metro North/ARCC), Kori McKibben […]


More than Alphabet Soup: ACES/TIF 2.0 Lessons and Strategies (Part 2)


Registration Deadline: THU. 2/15/24 All the many Adult Education acronyms can feel like swimming in alphabet soup! Join Stephanie Sommers and Carly Voshell to learn more about ACES (Academic, Career and Employability Skills), which are part of the MN ABE Content Standards, and the TIF (Transitions Integration Framework). We will explore 2023 TIF 2.0 revisions […]


Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Registration Deadline: TUE. 2/20/24  Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a […]


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