
STAR Alphabetics and Fluency Assessment Training

Literacy Minnesota - main office 700 Raymond Ave., Ste. 180, Saint Paul, MN, United States

CANCELLED Registration Deadline: TUE. 3/24/20 This 3-hour training will focus on the purposes, processes, and recording forms for assessing alphabetics (or word recognition) levels, phonics knowledge, and reading fluency levels. It is intended for MN STAR support staff and volunteers who are willing to assist with testing (as well as support teaching) in their programs. New […]


North ABE Spring 2020 Regional

Timberlake Lodge 144 SE 17th St., Grand Rapids, MN, United States

IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: COVID-19 Given recent developments with the COVID-19 virus, including specific guidance coming from the Minnesota Governor's office on March 13, ATLAS has decided to cancel the upcoming North Spring Regional for the safety of practitioners and staff. We are currently exploring ways to offer workshops virtually, and will be emailing all current […]

$20.00 – $25.00

ABE Teacher Virtual Coffee Break – English Language Arts!


Registration Deadline: WED. 4/1/20 Join ATLAS ELA & Literacy Coordinator Kristine Kelly on Wednesday, April 1, at 1:00 pm for an informal virtual coffee break! Let's connect during these distanced […]


Check-in Webinar with ABE


Registration Deadline: FRI. 4/3/20 Please join this webinar for updates and other pertinent information. Please note that after registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the […]


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