
A.I. Tools for Teachers


Registration Deadline: THU. 2/29/24 Are you a teacher? Do you need MORE TIME for prep work, planning, giving feedback to learners, and creating differentiated materials? (If you said “no,” we […]


Metro ABE 2024 Spring Regional – In-person event!

Double Tree by Hilton, Roseville 2450 N Cleveland Ave, Roseville, MN, United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/23/24 - Registration is now CLOSED Schedule and session descriptions: PROGRAM FLYER>> If you require ASL Interpretation, contact Gail Rutan at COST: $25/person $15 late fee […]


Teaching Reading Vocabulary Remotely or In Person


Registration Deadline: MON. 3/4/24 Vocabulary is everyone’s favorite reading component! And helping students master reading vocabulary is a key to helping them master comprehension. But how many words should you […]


Antiracist Praxis Study Circle


Application deadline: FRI. 1/19/24 Many of us have heard the terms antiracist and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), but how do we actually implement these large frameworks into our adult […]


Developing and Practicing Reading Fluency


Registration Deadline: MON. 3/11/24 Come and review the important role of fluency in reading instruction. We will discuss the three key components of reading fluency and look at a variety […]


Teaching Intermediate Alphabetics


Registration Deadline: WED. 3/13/24 Teaching intermediate alphabetics (syllables, prefixes, suffixes, root words) is a great way to help students build their decoding and comprehension skills. Come learn a variety of […]


CEUs and Event Flyers

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Looking for agendas and session descriptions from previous ATLAS events? Check out our Event Flyer Archive!

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CEUs for Viewing ATLAS Recordings

Couldn’t attend a particular ATLAS webinar or virtual event? You can view a recording and earn 1 CEU by filling out this application form!


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