
Text Complexity: What? Why? How? (rescheduled from February 9)


Registration Deadline: MON. 3/20/23 Let's spend a bit of time together talking about text complexity! What is it, and why is it important for our students? We'll talk about pre-teaching with complex texts and about effective scaffolds to make these texts accessible to students. We'll also talk about text sets, including what they are and […]


ACES Webinars “TIFty Tuesdays”: Creating More Diverse and Equitable ABE Classrooms


Registration Deadline: TUE. 3/21/23 Coming in winter and spring 2023, please join us for three webinars that will help MN ABE practitioners become more familiar with the newly updated TIF. We will look at the new lesson plans and ACES Routines and explore some great resources. These webinars will be an opportunity for ABE teachers […]


Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices for Adult Learners


Registration Deadline: FRI. 3/24/23 Learning new languages and skills as an adult is a challenge for most people, and that challenge grows when trauma and stress are present. Trauma and […]


Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Registration Deadline: TUE. 3/28/23 Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a […]


Phonics in Adult ESL: Recommendations, Activities and Resources


Registration Deadline: WED. 3/29/23 Phonics–the knowledge of the sounds letters make when they are combined to make words–is essential to beginning literacy and beginning level English language instruction. But, many […]


ABE-Dev Ed Affinity Group Meeting


Mark your calendar NOW, for this school year's online ABE-Dev Ed Affinity Group meetings.  Attendees are provided two meeting options to discuss the same content, allowing for greater practitioner engagement.  […]


ABE-Dev Ed Affinity Group Meeting


Mark your calendar NOW, for this school year's online ABE-Dev Ed Affinity Group meetings.  Attendees are provided two meeting options to discuss the same content, allowing for greater practitioner engagement.  […]


Burlington English Lunch and Learn: Exploring the Readers


Registration Deadline: TUE. 4/4/23 In this session, we will explore the Burlington English Readers and brainstorm different ways to use them in class and outside of class. We will go […]


Teaching Online: Support and Idea Swap


Registration Deadline: THU. 4/6/23 This will be the first of three Teaching Online: Support and Idea Swap sessions. Participants can attend any or all of these sessions; there’s no requirement to attend […]


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