ACES / Transitions

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The goal of ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills) is to support instructors in teaching the hard-to-define, yet make-or-break skills needed to succeed in the workplace, college, and community.

Transitions Integration Framework (TIF)

The Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) is the cornerstone of ACES, and it is one of three documents comprising the state-adopted content standards for Minnesota Adult Education. Visit the CCR Standards page to see how ACES fits into the broader content standards for ABE, including the College & Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS).

The TIF was designed to provide ABE programs and instructors with guidance on the effective integration of transitions skills (also known as soft skills or professional skills) into instruction at all levels of ABE.

The TIF includes six categories of skills:

  1. Critical Thinking
  2. Developing a Future Pathway
  3. Effective Communication
  4. Learning Strategies
  5. Navigating Systems
  6. Self-Management

Want more information on implementing the TIF in your own practice? Check out the ACES resource library!

Webinars & Workshops

Facilitated by the ACES Coordinator and Minnesota ABE teachers and administrators statewide, webinars are offered throughout the year to keep adult educators up to speed on ACES work and keep these important transitions skills fresh in educators’ minds. To increase their applicability, ACES webinars are often combined with other content areas and initiatives, such as the College & Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), Northstar Digital Literacy, and adult career pathways.

ATLAS also offers ACES-related workshops at Fall and Spring Regionals across Minnesota.

For information on upcoming opportunities, check the Events calendar.

Transitions 101: How does it all fit together?

The Transitions 101 webinar recording provides the basics of what is meant by “Transitions” in adult education. ATLAS and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) give an overview of relevant work and professional learning options around adult career pathways, IET, transitions to post-secondary entry, and more!

You can also use this Key Notes and Resources companion document to take notes and plan action steps for further professional development.

Online Courses

ACES/TIF Foundations Online Course

This free online course on the Canvas platform provides a thorough introduction on how to integrate academic, career, and employability skills (ACES) into your instructional context through the use of the Transitions Integration Framework (TIF). Participants can earn 6 CEUs for successful completion of the course.

Study Circles

ACES Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

ACES professional learning communities (PLCs) provide teachers with the opportunity to examine their roles as adult educators in a “transitions” landscape; explore and practice integrating transitions (TIF) skills into their lessons, materials and instructional settings; and work collaboratively with colleagues to reflect on and develop their teaching practice.

New ACES Resources

ACES Foundations Online Course

This free online course on the Canvas platform provides an introduction to ACES (Academic, Career and Employability Skills) and the TIF (Transitions Integration Framework). Participants can complete the entire course or access specific topics for a refresher, and can earn 6 CEUs for successful completion of all lesson reviews in the course.

ACES Foundations Webinar Series Recordings

The ACES Foundations at a Distance webinar series was created to complement the ACES Foundations online course, giving participants a more supported and cohort-like experience. These webinars are archived in the YouTube playlist linked here.

ACES Foundations Online Course

This free online course on the Canvas platform provides a thorough introduction on how to integrate academic, career, and employability skills (ACES) into your instructional context through the use of the Transitions Integration Framework (TIF). Participants can earn 6 CEUs for successful completion of the course.

ACES Resource Library »

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PD Catalog

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Latest ACES/Transitions Articles

Congrats to these ACES/TIF Foundation Course Completers!

The ACES/TIF Foundations course is designed to provide a thorough introduction on how to integrate academic, career, and employability skills (ACES) into your instructional context through the use of the Transitions Integration Framework (TIF). Seven Minnesota educators have completed the course in Canvas this school year and earned 6 CEUs – give them a round of applause, and consider joining them! Read More

Transitions 101 in 90 Minutes or Less

Are you short on time but want to learn the basics of Transitions in Adult Education? This webinar recording is for you! Read More

Upcoming ABE Events

March 28, 2025 1:00 pm–3:00 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Culturally Responsive Practices for Diverse Adult Learners Presented by Jimmie Heags


Registration Deadline: FRI. 3/28/25 Join presenter Jimmie Heags, Jr., MA, LSC, LPCC, LADC, ACS, for this session that explores how cultural identities and experiences impact student-instructor interactions and shape the way we make meaning of the world. Participants will gain awareness of their own cultural perspectives, social location… Learn More

April 3, 2025 2:00 pm–3:15 pm

Minnesota State – ABE Corequisite Affinity Group Meeting


No Registration – use this JOIN LINK to join each Zoom meeting.  Developing and advancing effective College and ABE co-req classroom partnerships is the business of ABE and Minnesota State educators working together through periodic Affinity Group (AG) meetings. The Affinity Group’s composition by role includes ABE… Learn More

April 4, 2025 10:00 am–11:15 pm

Minnesota State – ABE Corequisite Affinity Group Meeting


No Registration – use this JOIN LINK to join each Zoom meeting.  Developing and advancing effective College and ABE co-req classroom partnerships is the business of ABE and Minnesota State educators working together through periodic Affinity Group (AG) meetings. The Affinity Group’s composition by role includes ABE… Learn More
