One-Room Schoolhouse

The one-room schoolhouse is a teaching and learning context where students drop in for instruction unpredictably, or where students are working at different levels on various content areas in one class. ABE practitioners working in one-room schoolhouse settings have unique challenges that have become ever more complicated as our field evolves to include an emphasis on standards, career pathways, technology, student persistence, and so on.

To serve those working in such complex multi-level contexts, ATLAS provides support specifically targeted to one-room schoolhouse practitioners. We offer regular webinars, workshops, and an extremely active online community of practice hosted on the Mighty Networks platform.

Webinars & Workshops

Facilitated by Minnesota ABE teachers and administrators working within this challenging context, webinars are offered throughout the year to provide opportunities for one-room schoolhouse practitioners to hear from each other about effective strategies and discuss issues of common interest.

ATLAS also offers workshops on one-room schoolhouse and other multi-level instructional contexts at Fall and Spring Regionals across Minnesota.

For information on upcoming opportunities, check the Events calendar.

Questions or suggestions around one-room schoolhouse offerings?

Contact ATLAS Director Patsy Egan at

Online Groups

One-Room Schoolhouse Online Group

If you teach or manage in multi-level, multi-subject, unpredictable, and/or drop-in settings, then this dynamic community of practice is for you! The group was established to connect practitioners working in these kinds of settings, and it serves as a forum for discussion as well as a hub for announcements, resources, and webinar and in-person event information.

Latest One-Room Schoolhouse/Multilevel Articles

One-Room Schoolhouse Teachers Share Updates and Ideas

Are you wondering what is happening at Minnesota’s One-Room Schoolhouse ABE sites? Then check out this summary of our discussion during a Networking Coffee Break at the Language & Literacy Institute on January 29, 2021. Read More

ABE Voices Across a Distance: Teaching and Learning Inside County Jails

MN ABE Connect is featuring a series of interviews with Minnesota ABE practitioners on how they are delivering instruction and support during this time. This week, we hear from four teachers working in one-room schoolhouse settings in county jails: Jessica DeGrote, Randee Edmundson, Meagan Hymes, and Abby Roza. Read More

Upcoming ABE Events

April 3, 2025 2:00 pm–3:15 pm

Minnesota State – ABE Corequisite Affinity Group Meeting


No Registration – use this JOIN LINK to join each Zoom meeting.  Developing and advancing effective College and ABE co-req classroom partnerships is the business of ABE and Minnesota State educators working together through periodic Affinity Group (AG) meetings. The Affinity Group’s composition by role includes ABE… Learn More

April 4, 2025 10:00 am–11:15 pm

Minnesota State – ABE Corequisite Affinity Group Meeting


No Registration – use this JOIN LINK to join each Zoom meeting.  Developing and advancing effective College and ABE co-req classroom partnerships is the business of ABE and Minnesota State educators working together through periodic Affinity Group (AG) meetings. The Affinity Group’s composition by role includes ABE… Learn More

April 7, 2025 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Teaching Reading Vocabulary


Registration Deadline: MON. 4/7/25 Vocabulary is everyone’s favorite reading component! And helping students master reading vocabulary is a key to helping them master comprehension. But how many words should you teach? And which words are the most important? What strategies are best for helping students learn new words?… Learn More
