Trauma-Informed Practices Study Circle

To do our work well, educators need to be aware of our own implicit biases, students’ possible experiences stemming from trauma in a myriad of forms, as well as implications for teaching and learning. In this study circle, a small group of adult educators work with a facilitator across 4 meetings of 3 hours each, with pre-meeting work in between. A lens of trauma-informed instruction is used to deepen our best practices in working with adult learners in ways that are inclusive and culturally responsive. In this professional learning activity, emphasis is on reading, reflection, and discussion.

Working assumptions that underpin this work:

  • Trauma is not limited to an “event” and does not always involve violence. Traumatic experiences can be chronic (i.e. poverty), systemic (i.e. mass incarceration), and historic (i.e. racial inequity). They can be based on bias/misunderstanding/aggression around gender, sexuality, physical and mental health, immigration status, etc., as well as any combination.
  • Trauma does not discriminate. Traumatic experiences happen to adults from all backgrounds, socio-economic levels, races, genders, etc.
  • People should not be defined by their potential traumatic experiences. It is part of their life, woven into their current roles and responsibilities.
  • People respond to potential trauma differently, and they heal and move forward differently. What is debilitating to one person may be less so for another.
  • Individuals’ actions are a direct result of their experiences, and when a learner acts out or is disengaged, the question we should be asking is not “what is wrong with you?” but rather “what happened to you?”


Study circle participants will be able to:

  • Articulate a working definition of trauma that includes personal, systemic, historical, and other experiences.
  • Identify ways that such trauma can impact learning for adult basic education students.
  • Implement trauma-informed practices in order to better serve adult learners.
  • Connect with fellow ABE practitioners and create a supportive environment that fosters well-being for ourselves, our students, and our workplaces.

Time frame and format

The study circle comprises 4 meetings of 3 hours each, and can be delivered in person, online, or in a hybrid format.

Benefits of participation

Participants earn 20 CEUs plus a $125 stipend for completing all the requirements for a study circle, including attendance at all 4 meetings. (No partial stipends will be awarded.) Priority for slots is given to current paid staff of MN Adult Education programs.

Here is what some of our participants have said about their experience:

  • “I left the study circle with a much better understanding of what trauma is and its impacts on learners. As an educator, I can better help my students to succeed in the classroom by implementing trauma-informed practices. In addition to the outcomes, the study circle had a great feeling of community even though we were connected through screens. Finally, I feel prepared to continue this learning on my own by trying things out in the classroom and doing more research, such as reading The Body Keeps The Score.”
  • “This was an excellent training because it was very well planned and executed. I particularly liked the small group discussions in which we talked about personal and community issues in a safe and caring environment. The readings were very informative. Before the training I thought I knew about trauma, but the truth is that I learned so much about issues that I had not even thought about before. And especially, we learned about how to care for our students in the classroom, how trauma affects learning, and how to create a caring learning environment informed about trauma.”

Interested in participating in a study circle?

  • Watch the Events Calendar and the MN ABE Connect newsletter to find out when this study circle is being offered.
  • Contact your program manager, who can connect with ATLAS to see if we can offer it in your locale!
  • You are also welcome to make use of the Trauma-Informed Practices Facilitator Guide, which provides step-by-step suggestions for conducting study circles no matter where your program is based.