ACP (Adult Career Pathways) PD Advisory Team

The ACP Professional Development (PD) Advisory Team is an ATLAS-sponsored team designed to strengthen Adult Career Pathways (ACP) work in Minnesota ABE through relevant, meaningful, and effective professional development for ABE teachers and managers.

This ACP PD Advisory Team consists of the ATLAS Director, the MDE PD Specialist, the MDE Transitions Specialist, key ATLAS consultants, at least one Regional Transitions Coordinator (RTC) and additional program representatives from classroom and administrative contexts. This Team will provide input, guidance, and content knowledge for the state’s PD around developing, strengthening, and sustaining high quality, high impact Adult Career Pathways in MN ABE.

The Team is responsible for visioning and implementing a long-term strategic plan for Adult Career Pathways PD in Minnesota, as well as specific tasks yearly to support current and forthcoming PD efforts such as offerings around establishing partnerships with local colleges and employers, reaching out to Local Workforce Development Boards, and recruiting ACP students.

Expectations for ACP PD Advisory Team members:

  • Commit to serve a 1-year term on the Team, with the potential of extension
  • Participate in two full-day planning meetings yearly
  • Participate in two ½-day meetings yearly
  • Participate in up to 3 conference calls or web meetings if needed
  • Respond to electronic requests for input/feedback in a timely manner (within 1-2 business days)
  • Attend and assist as needed at Adult Career Pathways events in metro area
  • Attend and assist in developing/facilitating an ACP Webinar Series and Regional Event workshops throughout the year
  • Bring local/regional PD needs to the committee
  • Share PD information & resources with practitioners in their program/region
  • Attend additional ACP and transitions related events and meetings in your area as able to inform the group and provide insights toward our goals. Such events may be related to postsecondary transitions, workforce board connections, employer relations, etc.

Program representatives will receive the following through ATLAS (if eligible*):

  • A stipend of $350/year in recognition of work on the committee
  • Reimbursement for mileage if traveling more than 100 miles round trip to attend
  • Reimbursement for lodging if needed; the cost for meals will be reimbursed at the state levels if attendance requires overnight stay
  • Sub reimbursement for meeting dates, as negotiated with ATLAS (contact Patsy if you’d like to pursue)
  • Lunch provided on full-day meeting days
  • CEUs for meetings

* Note: As a state grant, ATLAS is not permitted to pay or reimburse any state employee, including Minnesota State System and DOC staff.

The Transitions PD Advisory Team will be looking for new members in 2022, once our current members’ terms have ended.

See the ACP PD Advisory Application Form on the Applications page for additional information.