Teaching Numeracy to Adults

The Teaching Numeracy to Adults initiative focuses on the actual teaching of math/numeracy (rather than pure standards implementation); it involves an online course via Canvas as well as live webinars and partner work for a robust professional learning experience for participants. It was designed with a wide audience in mind: administrators and instructors, both those who identify as math teachers and those who do not; those who currently teach math/numeracy in their classrooms and those who do not.


  • Reflect on different mindsets about math and articulate the impact of those mindsets on learning
  • Apply knowledge of math shifts & practices to instructional tasks and materials, including standardized testing materials
  • Experience and discuss resources (instructional tasks, routines, formative assessments) to use in varied classroom settings
  • Establish the relevance of mathematical thinking in “the real world”


  • 16-hour commitment over 8 weeks
  • 4 synchronous webinars
  • 3 partner assignments
  • weekly individual reflection via Canvas
  • 16 CEUs and $200 stipend for completion

Interested in applying to participate?

The application is available on the Applications page.