Math Instruction in Minnesota ABE
Minnesota Numeracy Instruction Advisory Team Statement
Regarding Math Instruction in Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Both literacy and numeracy are critical skills for adults in order to fully engage in their communities. English Language Arts and Math skills for adult basic education (ABE) are defined by the CCRS (College & Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, 2013).
To further define the work of adult numeracy instruction for ABE and with the goal of achieving equitable math instruction for adult learners, the Minnesota Numeracy Instruction Advisory Team (MNI A-Team) holds that:
- Every student at every level (literacy, language, math) deserves access to rigorous,* high-quality math instruction.
- Instruction at all literacy, language, and math proficiency levels can and should attend to math and numeracy**
- Intentional, focused programming can create a cohesive math experience for all learners.
- Instruction in every classroom should be informed by growth mindset and incorporate strategies to reduce and prevent math anxiety in learners.
To this end, it is essential that programs are committed to professional growth in the areas of up-to-date best practices, content knowledge, and comfort teaching math.
*Rigor is defined as pursuing conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application—all with equal intensity. (CCRS blue book, p.45)
**Math pertains to abstract principles and concepts that lay a foundation for numeracy.
**Numeracy refers to one’s ability to flexibly apply knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts in contextualized personal, academic, professional, and civic settings.
Numeracy vs. Mathematics: