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Video #4: Tapping into Diverse Perspectives and Teaching Materials

Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education video series

Presented by Cydnee Sanders, MA TESOL

This video discusses what “diverse perspectives and teaching materials” mean, and why this is important to learner success in the classroom. As mentioned in other videos in this series, using diverse materials makes class more relevant to learners’ lives and helps them bridge information they already know to new information. Utilizing diverse perspectives in class content is also key to building up critical thinking skills. We take a look at numerous resources that can help each of us diversify the visuals, videos, audio, and written materials we use.

Suggested action steps in video:

  • Use the Rapport Tally to intentionally build trust with a learner you may be having a difficult time connecting with
  • Create a learning partnership pact with learners based on their goals

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