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Video #6: Analyzing Our Lessons with the Culture Tree

Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education video series

Presented by Cydnee Sanders, MA TESOL

As in Video 5, this video looks at the tool called the Culture Tree, but it can be viewed on its own as a stand-alone lesson.

When you ask “what is culture?”, the answer can seem pretty vague and hard to name. The Culture Tree helps us name tangible parts of culture, so that when we look at our lesson plans, we can figure out how much of the content is based on our own culture and ways of seeing/thinking of things. Therefore, once we name what part of culture the lesson connects with, we can then think about what kinds of discussion questions or content will invite learners to share about their own experiences. This makes class more relevant and helps learners bridge information they already know to new skills and knowledge.

Suggested action step in video:

  • Analyze one of your lesson plans with the suggested reflection questions and classroom example


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