Video #7: Intro to Translanguaging
Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education video series
Presented by Cydnee Sanders, MA TESOL
A term circling a lot of language education spaces right now is “translanguaging”, but many of us aren’t really sure what this means. In this video, we will discuss its meaning of utilizing all of learners’ language skills to enhance the learning of a new target language. This includes GED and Career Pathways learners who speak English as their primary language, but they may speak a dialect that isn’t seen as “standard academic English.” All of these language skills are valuable. There are several reflection questions included because a key part of our work as educators is deeply reflecting on our own beliefs around languages. Video 8, “Utilizing Learners’ Linguistic Toolboxes,” provides practical activity ideas, while this one focuses on the theory foundation.
Suggested action step in video:
- Use the suggested reflection questions in the Discussion Guide to unpack your own beliefs around language and how they impact your classroom.