
Recent Newsletter Articles

Global Math Department

A community of smart, skilled instructors who teach math at all levels, and share their materials and ideas. Go to the website and sign up for their email newsletter. Great free resources will come to you each week! The newsletter will bring you information about free, terrific webinars on math instruction. Read More

Classroom Clock

In this 5-minute Ignite talk, Andrew Stadel addresses strategies for dealing with the limited time each teacher must face. How do we make best use of time in our classroom? How can we approach “squeezing great content into short segments”? Read More

5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions

5 Practices for Orchestrating Mathematics Discussions describes how teachers can facilitate "mathematically productive discussions that are rooted in student thinking." In this posting, you can also find out about one teacher's experiences implementing the strategies in the book. Read More

An Excellent Lesson for Long Division

This blog post offers some important aspects to consider in how we teach long division to our students. How does place value play a role in long division, and how do I teach long division so my students strengthen that understanding? The post includes video, a word problem, and a lesson plan that you could use tomorrow! Read More

Another Blog Post About Fraction Division

This blog post was created to help teachers understand a strategy for making division with fractions visual and meaningful for students. Read More

AREA: Big Cheez-its & Multiplication and Rectangles

Two children discuss whether "Big Cheez-its" are really twice as big as regular Cheez-its. While the learners in this case are children, numeracy students of all ages could enjoy exploring area with a similar question. Read More

180 Ways to Use Estimation 180: Inequalities

Estimation 180 is an incredibly rich resource that offers photographs that we can use in meaningfully developing students' number sense. In this blog post, the author uses 4 of the images (and the students' estimates about those images) to quickly and meaningfully introduce (or review) graphing and writing inequalities. Read More

22? 30? 50? 100?

A teacher of children blogs about a challenging experience working with a student learning to count. An ABE teacher of basic numeracy may find many suggestions in the comments of this blog entry very useful. Read More

3-Act Lesson: Volume of a Cylinder

A 3-act lesson starts with a quick video or visual that makes students wonder. In the videos for this 3-act lesson, Jenn Vadnais offers students a chance to consider the volume of a cylinder of Playdoh. Read More