Recent Newsletter Articles

Cultivating Curiosity: Math Routines in Action
This article shares how one teacher revitalized their math classroom using simple yet powerful routines learned at Summer Institute. The article looks at both the successes and challenges of implementing the low-prep routines of Problem Strings and "I Have, You Need." Read More

Teaching Numeracy to Adults – Call for Applications!
The upcoming Teaching Numeracy to Adults initiative focuses on the actual teaching of math/numeracy, not just standards implementation. This cohort takes place over 8 weeks and involves an online course via Canvas, live webinars, and partner work. Participants will also have the option of receiving two graduate credits through Hamline University. The next cohort starts February 3, 2025! Read More

Number Challenges: Dyscalculia in Adult Education
Do you have some students who struggle with making sense of math concepts more than others? Many factors are at play that affect our ability to do math, including a specific learning disorder called dyscalculia. Learn more about dyscalculia and ATLAS work that aims to assist teachers in understanding dyscalculia and responding effectively in the classroom. Read More

MCTM Spring Conference 2024
The theme of this year’s Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) spring conference is Seeing Our Mathematical Future. Come learn from engaging presenters and network with teachers from K-12, 2-year colleges, and other adult education programs. Scholarships from ATLAS are available! Read More

Teaching Numeracy to Adults
Don't miss the upcoming Teaching Numeracy to Adults cohort! As previous participants have said, “This cohort really taught me the importance of going beyond just teaching a skill.” "[T]his course teaches more than just math; [it] teaches numeracy. How we use numeracy in our lives and how it impacts all of us…this course teaches strategies and concepts that make math way less scary." Read More

Support Adult Learners with Resources from ELM and Ebooks MN
The High School Equivalency Center, part of LearningExpress Library (LEL), helps students prepare for the GED, HiSET, and TASC exams by offering tutorials and micro lessons in reading, writing, grammar, vocab, spelling, and math. The Adult Core Skills Center gives adults the tools they need to achieve their personal educational and career goals, whether that includes becoming a U.S. citizen or improving reading and vocabulary skills. Read More

Desmos: Interactive and Engaging Online Instruction
At the start of my virtual instruction journey in 2020, I tried out several instructional tools to make my online synchronous instruction more engaging than a talking head and a PowerPoint. Desmos is the only one I’m still using three years later. Originally built for math instruction, Desmos is a virtual instructional tool that allows you, the teacher, to build interactive practice for students, accessible via a link or code, and lets you see each student’s work live as they are doing it. Read More

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 4
In the previous articles on number categories, the number systems of whole numbers through rational numbers have been discussed. This article, the last of the series, introduces the irrational numbers and imaginary numbers – as well as the Big Idea behind it all! Read More

MCTM 2023 Spring Conference Highlight: Building Thinking Classrooms
In April, over 800 people gathered at the annual Minnesota Council for Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Spring Conference in Duluth. Adult Education had a strong presence this year! By far, the hot topic in everyone’s mind after the conference was Peter Liljedahl’s symposium and keynote on Building Thinking Classrooms. Read More

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 3
In our previous investigations into number systems, we connected the whole numbers to the integers. Now we backtrack to the next category that actually comes earlier in the CCRS and most books. While we have closed the operations of addition and subtraction with the whole numbers and integers, we now need to check on the next operations: multiplication and division, and how they lead us to rational numbers. Read More