Professional Development

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Recent Newsletter Articles

ABE, ACES, and CCRS Foundations Online Courses All on Canvas: New and Improved!

ABE, ACES, and CCRS Foundations Online Courses All on Canvas: New and Improved!

We are so excited that our revamped online ABE, ACES, and CCRS Foundations courses are up and running on Canvas! All of these courses have revised content, more opportunities for interaction, and the most updated information to support your work in the MN Adult Education system. Read More

Considering that ABE License? See What Hamline Has to Offer!

Considering that ABE License? See What Hamline Has to Offer!

Hamline University offers both the ABE initial license for those who don’t hold a teaching license in another field already and the ABE additional license for those already holding a teaching license. You can start in the fall! Plus, your previous coursework may help you get there sooner. Read More

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2024 Conference for YOU!

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2024 Conference for YOU!

Do you teach adult English learners? The MELEd (Minnesota English Learner Education) conference is the state's premiere professional gathering for anyone who works with English language learners This year, MELEd will be held at the St. Paul RiverCentre on November 22-23, 2024. Consider presenting; proposals are due June 30, 2024! Read More

2024-2025 CCRS Implementation Cohort Applications Due June 3, 2024!

2024-2025 CCRS Implementation Cohort Applications Due June 3, 2024!

Don't miss the chance to participate in the next CCRS Implementation Cohort and collaborate with colleagues on strengthening standards-based instruction in your program! After the 2024/2025 year, the next offering won't be until 2026/2027. Read More

MCTM Spring Conference 2024

MCTM Spring Conference 2024

The theme of this year’s Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) spring conference is Seeing Our Mathematical Future. Come learn from engaging presenters and network with teachers from K-12, 2-year colleges, and other adult education programs. Scholarships from ATLAS are available! Read More

Planting the Seeds of Success with the Mentorship Experience Pilot

Planting the Seeds of Success with the Mentorship Experience Pilot

This fall and winter, we took a chance on a new professional learning opportunity being offered by ATLAS and MDE – The Mentorship Experience Pilot. When we said good-bye after our final meeting, one of us was starting an ABE Licensure program at Hamline University, and the other one felt more connected to and energized by her work than she had in a long time. Read on to learn how you can plant your own seeds of success. Read More

It’s Time for Spring Training!

It’s Time for Spring Training!

The temperatures are warming up and the snow is melting. Spring is just around the corner (we hope!), so it must be time for spring training! The assessment training team has a couple of CASAS trainings scheduled to help your staff update their training. Read More

Attention Teachers of Low-Literacy Adult ESL Students!

Attention Teachers of Low-Literacy Adult ESL Students!

Do you teach ESL to adult students with little or no literacy in their primary languages? At ATLAS, we are planning to do focused professional development (PD) in the coming year for teachers like you, and we would like some input on what instructors in your context could really use to make your teaching life easier. Read More

PANDA Courses Now On Canvas!

PANDA Courses Now On Canvas!

PANDA’s free courses are now available on the online Canvas platform. We’re excited to have you experience our classes on this new, easy-to-use format! Read on for a description of our courses and how to access them on Canvas. Read More

Teaching Numeracy to Adults

Teaching Numeracy to Adults

Don't miss the upcoming Teaching Numeracy to Adults cohort! As previous participants have said, “This cohort really taught me the importance of going beyond just teaching a skill.” "[T]his course teaches more than just math; [it] teaches numeracy. How we use numeracy in our lives and how it impacts all of us…this course teaches strategies and concepts that make math way less scary." Read More