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COVID-19 Lessons: Self-Management

The COVID-19 outbreak presents an unprecedented opportunity to help our students develop TIF (Transitions Integration Framework) skills as they try to understand everything that is going on. Here are a few of the ways that we can help our learners practice Self-Management skills:

1) Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an important part of Self-Management, and is even more critical when individuals and families are faced with extreme stress. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL – casel.org) has put together a collection of resources to help provide support during the COVID-19 outbreak (casel.org/covid-resources), including many resources for coping with stress and anxiety.

    • This article from Scientific American addresses the issue of how to prevent loneliness in a time of social distancing, as well as providing links to resources to help people recognize and respond to the signs of stress.

Find more information and examples in this newsletter article by Stephanie Sommers, ACES Coordinator for ATLAS / Instructor for Minneapolis Adult Education:

Teaching ACES/TIF in the Time of COVID