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Transitions Integration Framework (TIF)

The Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) is one of three documents that comprise the content standards for Minnesota Adult Education. It is the cornerstone of ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills) and was designed to provide ABE programs and instructors with guidance on the effective integration of transitions skills into instruction at all levels of ABE. The TIF provides the professional or “soft skills” we know our students need to succeed, as follows:

  1. Critical Thinking
  2. Developing a Future Pathway
  3. Effective Communication
  4. Learning Strategies
  5. Navigating Systems
  6. Self-Management

The TIF was revised in 2023 to better align with current teaching contexts and technological realities (e.g., online, in-person, HyFlex, One-Room Schoolhouse, etc.) as well as adult education priorities (e.g., Integrated Education & Training/workforce preparation).

  • NOTE: You can still access the 2016 version of the full TIF here.
  • Visit the CCR Standards page to see how ACES fits into the broader content standards for ABE, including the College & Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS).

Related resource: TIF 2.0 Lessons

These are new TIF-aligned sample lesson plans for each of the 6 ACES categories. They include ideas for incorporating important topics like DEI (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion) and SEL (Social Emotional Learning), as well as strategies for adapting the lessons to a variety of delivery models such as in-person, virtual, and hybrid.