One-Room Schoolhouse Teachers Share Updates and Ideas

One-Room Schoolhouse Teachers Share Updates and Ideas

Are you wondering what is happening at Minnesota’s One-Room Schoolhouse ABE sites? Then check out this summary of our discussion during a Networking Coffee Break at the Language & Literacy Institute on January 29, 2021.

What is going well in your program?

  • Interruptions during class have decreased since moving to one-on-one instruction online. Teachers are learning new technology skills. Students are becoming proficient in basic online technology skills. We are adding more visual aids to our instruction.
  • We are hearing from former students. Students are returning to class. Online instruction has provided access to education for students who are unable to attend in person. Attendance in night classes is more consistent since moving to online instruction.

What challenges are occurring in your program?

  • Making all of the adjustments required for online education has been challenging. Serving students with special needs through distance learning and online instruction is challenging. We have lost students who prefer in person instruction to online learning. Our drop-in lab schedule makes it difficult to maintain social distancing because we can’t predict attendance.
  • It is difficult to adequately address the wide range of needs and skills in my classroom. It is difficult to know whether or not our students are making progress. Determining what is required for extended response on the GED is frustrating.

What are some helpful tips for other teachers?

  • Teach students how to adjust their speed during online independent study. It is acceptable to move through review pages at a faster pace and then slow down when new material is presented.
  • Increasing the use of visual aids builds student interest and concentration.
  • Use the Annotate tool on Zoom to “write” on your screen. Use the “text” button to type instead of the pencil option to write. Teach students to annotate so they can share writing, illustrate mathematical thinking, etc.

What resources are you using in your program?

Penny Brown, Language & Literacy Advisory Team Member ATLAS