What Do Your Students Want to Be Ready for?

What Do Your Students Want to Be Ready for?

Whether striving for high school equivalency, a new career pathway, or a portal to college, adult learners come to class with different ambitions, academic backgrounds, and work experience. Learning disruptions are not new to them.

Over the past two years, adult educators have had a chance to demonstrate their own resilience and willingness to learn as they pivoted to new instructional modes and embraced digital resources to reach students in new ways.

In support of these efforts, Literacy Minnesota has been offering the adaptive online platform EdReady at no cost to distance learning programs across the state.

How does EdReady help adult learners?

When given the option to review and improve foundational skills through an online program that targets specific gaps with a personalized study path, many students show meaningful – and often accelerated – skills improvement, as well as increased confidence that translates to greater success in programs of study.

Nationwide, EdReady has become a proven alternative to high stakes measures for placement and to demonstrate skills gains in both Math and English.

Learn more!

Learn more about this free tool for Minnesota adult educators at NROC.org and contact Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt ([email protected]) or Jason Brazier ([email protected]) to get access to the program for your students.

The NROC Project is a nonprofit organization collaborating with secondary, postsecondary, and adult education leaders to develop digital courses and web-based tools that improve student readiness, persistence, and success.

Terri Rowenhorst, Director of Community Engagement The NROC Project