
Recent Newsletter Articles

Project-Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners

This article provides a rationale for using project-based learning with adult ELLs, describes the process, and gives examples of how the staff of an adult ESL program have used project-based learning with their adult learners at varying levels of English proficiency. Read More

New American Horizons: Adult ESL Teacher Training Videos – Multilevel

This collection of 12 teacher training videos were filmed in adult ESL classes and feature a variety of teaching strategies and activities. For teachers interested in learning more about multilevel instruction, there are two videos that address this topic. Read More

National Center on Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. The National Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Center supports the effective implementation of UDL by connecting stakeholders in the field and providing resources and information. Read More

Meeting the Needs of Today’s English Language Learner

In this interactive online module, ABE practitioners explore the need for more rigorous academic instruction in language and literacy skills. The authors highlight specific elements that research has shown to be critical for adult English language learners’ full access to academic and work opportunities. Read More

Making Student-Centered Teaching Work

This article from the MEXTESOL Journal makes a strong argument for student-centered teaching practices, and outlines ten suggestions that teachers can follow to make their lessons more student-centered. Read More

Making It Real: Teaching Pre-Literate Adult Refugee Students

This book is a great place reference for both new and experienced teachers. It covers a variety of effective practices for teaching low-literate adult refugees, and describes techniques and activities that support these practices. Read More

Looking at the Bigger Picture: 7 Tips for Using Project Based Learning in the ESL Classroom

This article gives an overview of project-based learning, including why it is good for ESL students and what the teacher's role is. It also provides seven tips for successful project-based learning implementation in the ESL classroom. Read More

LINCS ESL Pro Module 3: Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways

This self-paced professional development module from LINCS provides the foundational concepts related to designing and implementing an adult ELA program contextualized for career pathways. Read More

Learner Goal-Setting

This article addresses the question, "What can instructors do to help students set goals, monitor progress, and reach goals?" with research-backed strategies and suggestions for practitioners. Read More

Incorporating Goal-Setting in Adult ESL Classrooms

This PowerPoint outlines goal-setting projects and their results in beginning level adult ESL classrooms. Images of handouts and descriptions of activities are provided. Read More