
Recent Newsletter Articles

Editing Checklist for Self- and Peer Editing

The website ReadWriteThink has a sample peer editing checklist that can be adapted for a variety of writing levels and focuses. It also contains suggestions for scaffolding peer editing with learners who are new to the process. Read More

Cultural Identity and Teaching

This article discusses the role that culture plays in shaping the values and practices of teachers, both consciously and subconsciously. It offers recommendations for how teachers can build awareness of their own cultural values and beliefs, and suggests ways that teachers can build and present culture in their classrooms. Read More

Classroom Management

This article contains suggestions and approaches for dealing with disruptive behaviors by adult students. It is aimed at adults who are attending university classes for the first time, but pertains to all adult learners in a variety of classroom settings. Read More

Best Practices for Teaching the Whole Adult ESL Learner

This chapter by David Schwarzer describes some research-based best practices for teaching adult ESL students centered around the idea of whole-language principles. Read More

Adapting Materials for Multilevel Classes

This article from the Teaching English website offers some ideas of how you can support your students who are struggling more, and offer extension activities for your stronger students, while using the same materials as the starting point for the class. Read More

Academic Conversations with ELLs Video Series

This 7-part video series developed by the Teaching Channel showcases five tips for engaging students in academic conversations. While the videos were developed for K-12 teachers, the demonstrated techniques and tips easily transfer to a intermediate or advanced adult ESL setting. Read More

A Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching

This article addresses the roles of motivation and culture; analyzes some of the social and institutional resistance to teaching based on principles of intrinsic motivation; and outlines the norms, procedures, and structures for effective culturally responsive teaching. Read More

3 Tips to Make Any Lesson More Culturally Responsive

This article by Zaretta Hammond discusses three easy strategies that teachers can use to leverage the brain’s memory systems and information processing structures and make their lessons more culturally responsive to the diverse learners in their classrooms. Read More

6 ESL Teaching Techniques to Cut TTT and Get Your Students Talking

Learn easy and effective strategies to cut teacher talk time and provide more opportunities for your learners to practice their English in this article by FluentU. Read More