
Recent Newsletter Articles

This website is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer-assisted language learning activities - including activities that learners can do on their own and listening and reading texts that can be used to create lessons. Read More


iCivics is a free, non-partisan, one-stop website for all topics related to civic knowledge.  It includes curriculum units and downloadable lesson plans for government-related topics such as the Constitution, the three branches, and civil rights. Other units focus on citizenship, core literacy skills, and persuasive writing. The lessons are written for middle to high school leveled students. iCivics also offers a variety of online educational games that emphasize social studies skills and topics. Read More

Stanford History Education Group

This comprehensive website has multiple lesson plans and assessments that cover a wide range of social studies topics, including World History. The "Reading Like a Historian" curriculum engages students in historical inquiry, while the "Beyond the Bubble" history assessments measure students' historical thinking skills. The "Civic Online Reasoning" activities assess students’ ability to critically evaluate online content. Read More

Stanford History Education Group

This comprehensive website has multiple lesson plans and assessments that cover a wide range of social studies topics, including U.S. History. The "Reading Like a Historian" curriculum engages students in historical inquiry, while the "Beyond the Bubble" history assessments measure students' historical thinking skills. The "Civic Online Reasoning" activities assess students’ ability to critically evaluate online content. Read More

Morpheme Matrices Crosswords

These crossword puzzles and answer keys accompany Morpheme Matrices, an ATLAS resource focusing on morphological awareness. Six of puzzles target Latin morphemes (prefixes, roots, suffixes) and two target Greek forms and related suffixes. Read More

Math Snacks: Fractions

Online activities and videos for supporting students' understanding of math concepts such as ratios, scale factors, fractions, number lines, and so on. Some activities may need additional language learning supports (i.e. for beginning English learners). Videos are also available in Spanish and in a printable "comic book" form. Read More

Math Snacks: Ratios

Online activities and videos for supporting students' understanding of math concepts such as ratios, scale factors, fractions, number lines, and so on. Some activities may need additional language learning supports (i.e. for beginning English learners). Videos are also available in Spanish and in a printable "comic book" form. Read More

Writing Workshops & Seminars

Do you need to brush up your own writing skills before teaching your students how to write more effectively? This website provides hundreds of free writing resources, columns, and exercises for writers and teachers of writers. Examples include apostrophes, capitalization, commas, editing, hyphens, letter writing, persuasive writing, punctuation, and verbs. Read More

Online Writing Lab (OWL)

This website offers resources for understanding and teaching prewriting, outlining, paragraphing, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, avoiding plagiarism, and many other writing skills for students at grade levels 7-12. Read More

Khan Academy – Sentence Writing

Khan Academy’s grammarians present engaging and entertaining video tutorials and practice exercises on sentence writing (under Syntax: sentences and clauses): sentences, clauses, and conventions. The lessons tend to use higher-level vocabulary words or examples. Read More