
Recent Newsletter Articles

Math Snacks: Counting

Online activities and videos for supporting students' understanding of math concepts such as ratios, scale factors, fractions, number lines, and so on. Some activities may need additional language learning supports (i.e. for beginning English learners). Videos are also available in Spanish and in a printable "comic book" form. Read More

Desmos: Linear Inequalities in Standard Form

Desmos is an online graphing calculator. Many teachers have created activities for their classes using the calculator. Activities on the site are created by teachers and Desmos staff and will vary. You can also create your own activities. Read More

Desmos: Graphing

What if students could "play" with graphs and quickly see what changing a single component would do to a graph (such as changing the b in y =mx+b)? Desmos is user friendly and thoughtfully uses color and layout in ways that support students' understanding.  Read More

Create a Graph

You and your students can use this online tool to create graphs. Read More

Sounds of English

Sounds of English is a collaboration by Holly Gray and Sharon Widmayer that they started to help their ESL students develop their pronunciation and speaking skills. The site has been expanded to include information about their past research and presentations, lessons and activities for ESL teachers, and more. Read More

Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab is an online, multimedia listening website designed to help ESOL students improve their listening comprehension skills in English. The website contains over 300 original learning quizzes and activities that cover functional language topics. Read More

Learning Chocolate

This learner-based website contains lists of technology-based vocabulary words that learners can listen to, then check their understanding with matching, fill-in-the-blank, and dictation games. Read More

ESL Literacy Readers

This collection of 40 theme-based readers features adult ESL learners engaging in everyday work and life activities. These readers, along with an instructor's guide, were developed to help ESL teachers create comprehensive, theme-based lessons for adult ESL learners. Read More