
Recent Newsletter Articles


Information and application materials for ATLAS professional development initiatives and leadership opportunities that require an application process for participation. Advisory Groups and Committees ATLAS Advisory Teams Please download and type into the application (Word doc), and add your last name to the file name when saving it to… Read More

Submit Invoice

ATLAS Invoice Form To request payment/reimbursement from ATLAS, please fill out the online ATLAS invoice form on the right. Please follow the instructions below carefully. Instructions: If ATLAS/Hamline has never paid you before or does not have a current W-9 on file, you will… Read More

MN ABE Connect Archive

MN ABE Connect



Privacy Policy

1.  Terms and Conditions of Use The following are terms of a legal agreement between you and ATLAS. By accessing, browsing and/or using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree, to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, do not… Read More