Free Online Relicensure Courses!

Free Online Relicensure Courses!

Are you worried about a student you suspect has PTSD? Want to teach your students about Mental Health? Do you suspect a student may have a learning disability, or is it low literacy? Are you interested in learning more about Suicide Prevention? PANDA has FREE courses to address these issues, plus get those re-licensure credits you need!

The 3 Ls: The Difference between Learning Disability, Low Ability and Low Literacy

When students have learning challenges, it can be difficult to determine why. Learn how to distinguish between a learning disability, low ability, and low literacy.  Acquire knowledge about different types of learning disabilities.  Gain information about students with low ability and valuable resources.  Understand the complicated nature of learning for students from other cultures.  You will learn about specific tools to help understand learning differences and learn methods to improve instruction for all students. This course is intended to meet Continuing Education Unit (CEU) requirements for modifying and adapting curricula, materials, and strategies to appropriately meet the individual needs of students.

Survivors Among Us; Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Other Traumas Which Can Impact Adult Student Learning

This course is for Adult Basic Education practitioners to understand symptoms and causes of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other traumas which can impact adult student learning.  Gain knowledge about PTSD, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), and historical trauma.  Discover how to de-escalate troublesome behaviors.  You will learn about trauma-informed teaching strategies and the importance of post-traumatic growth.  This online training is intended to meet the teacher re-licensure area for “Understanding students’ mental illness trauma” for 3 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness

This course will help ABE teachers and volunteers understand mental health disorders common to the adult population. Learn to reduce the stigma of mental illness by understanding what it is like and how common it is.  Find out how to make it more comfortable to talk about mental illness, including what to say and do when students disclose mental illness.  Gain useful information about stress, how it impacts mental health, learn mental wellness strategies, including how to find work-life balance.

This workshop is intended to address the re-licensure area for Understanding Key Warning Signs of Early Onset Mental Illness in Adolescents and Adults for 3 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators

This course will help ABE teachers and volunteers learn about suicide and prevention.  Learn about prevalence, causes, risk factors and warning signs of suicide.  Master a suicide prevention method and practice role playing how to approach students who show signs of suicidal thinking.  Prevention is key!  Gain knowledge about ways to promote hope, problem solving and resiliency in the classroom.  This workshop is intended to address the re-licensure area for Suicide Prevention Best Practices for 1.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Teaching ABE Students About Mental Health

Everyone knows that physical health is important to students’ well-being. Often, though, educators are reluctant to tackle the topic of mental health in the ABE classroom. They may believe they lack requisite knowledge, or they may be uncomfortable discussing such weighty or personal topics. By taking this online workshop, you will become more comfortable with and knowledgeable about mental health in general. You will explore the basics of several common mental health concerns through multimedia lesson plans and related resources.  Four CEUs intended to address the re-licensure area of Understanding Key Warning Signs of Early Onset Mental Illness in Adolescents and Adults will be provided upon approval.

Wendy Sweeney, MA, Licensed Psychologist, PANDA Manager PANDA
Moira Knutson, PANDA Administrator PANDA