Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Are you in a Schoology group? No? Now is the time to join! Are you in a Schoology group but haven’t been active? Now’s the time to engage!

MN ABE Schoology groups are free online learning communities for practitioners working in Minnesota ABE programs. Connect with others from around the state to ask questions, share ideas, and find resources. Most groups have a dedicated facilitator who will post regularly to engage participants, but feel free to post your own questions or share ideas or resources at any time once you are a member.

Following are the MN ABE Schoology groups that are currently active. The access code to join each group appears next to the title. Directions for joining a group on Schoology with an access code appear after this list.

Schoology Groups

  • ACES Networking Group (K9ZF-QGDP-2S9CJ)

This focus of this group is to engage in conversations and ask questions related to ACES/TIF, soft skills, and helping students make successful transitions.

  • Adult Career Pathways in MN ABE (H6K9-V3WR-RRWNR)

The focus of this group is to connect administrators and instructors working on adult career pathways and serve as a forum for discussion among those working with ACPs statewide, as well as a hub for announcements, materials, and face-to-face event information.

  • CorrEd – Corrections (GG95Z-K3HQN)

This group is a place for teachers and managers in MN Corrections to connect on challenges, successes and recommendations about corrections education.

  • MN ABE Administrators (Z97XM-W9RVN)

This group is a place for managers, coordinators, lead teachers to share resources and ask questions.

  • MN ABE Reading Practitioners (5P6VH-VT6P5)

This group is open to all MN ABE program managers, teachers, and support staff who want to expand their knowledge and use of Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (or EBRI.

  • MN Numeracy Instruction Networking Group (PXNGW-K43CR)

This group is a place for teachers across the state who teach math to share and discuss ideas, issues, resources and more!

  • One-Room Schoolhouse (SP5KP-MNCH4)

The most active group for MN ABE on Schoology, this group focuses on issues, concerns and curriculum that are unique to the one-room schoolhouse context.

  • Program Quality Standards (4SCJ6-GX7XM)

This group has a focus on what high-quality programming looks like on the ground in ABE programs across Minnesota.

  • Standard Adult Diploma (52MG2-QFMZ3)

This group is for Standard Adult Diploma providers to share curriculum resources, activities and notes of the working group, and engage in discussions about diploma-related topics. All diploma official state policies and forms are also housed here.

  • Welcome to MN ABE (5VJ45-WZV9Q)

This group is a place for those who are new to the field, including ABE teachers, support staff and administrators, to share resources and ask questions about the wonderful world of ABE.

How to Join a Schoology Group

If you already have a Schoology account:

  • Log into your account
  • Click on the “Groups” tab at the top of the page
  • Click “My Groups” on the upper right side
  • Click on “Join Group.”
  • Enter the access code for the group you wish to join.

 If you do not have a Schoology account:

  • Go to https://www.schoology.com/
  • Scroll to SIGN UP at the top right and sign up as an Instructor
  • Once you’ve registered, click on the “Groups” tab
  • Click “My Groups.”
  • Enter the access code for the group you wish to join.

Very Important Info Below:

Once you have joined

  • Click on Notifications OR your name and Settings (both are at the top right)
  • Set your Group (not Academic, School, or Personal) email notifications
  • Browse posts from Updates, Discussions, Members, Resources, and Events
  • Post new comments, questions, or information to the above

We look forward to interacting with you soon!

Originally published 9/17/19

Kristine Kelly, ATLAS Literacy & ELA Coordinator ATLAS