Math Institute on September 20 – Registration OPEN!

Math Institute on September 20 – Registration OPEN!

The Minnesota Numeracy Instruction Advisory team would like to invite you to the 2019 ABE Math Institute on September 20. This is a Math Institute you won’t want to miss! We have the opportunity to learn from THREE renowned local and national math experts: Sara Van Der Werf (featured presenter – see below for her biography), James Brickwedde, Hamline math education professor, and May Vang Swanson, middle school math teacher at Capitol Hill Magnet School in St. Paul Public Schools.

Who should come?

Anyone who teaches math or incorporates numeracy into instruction, including all levels of ABE and ESL! This conference is for new and experienced instructors, as well as MNI cohort alumni.

Are you a program manager or coordinator?  We have a special session just for you around creating coherent math programming!

What can you expect?

During this interactive conference, we will have both general and concurrent sessions. Topics include:

  • Creating the Conditions for Mathematical Discourse
  • Making Student Thinking Visible
  • Multiplying Fractions: Reunitizing Area
  • Think and Communicate Like a Mathematician with Algebraic and Geometric Concepts

Throughout the day, attendees will:

  • Learn about strategies and activities that build conceptual understanding and help students articulate their thinking.
  • Develop a lens of equitable instruction.
  • Network with other ABE math teachers.
  • Managers: Consider options to adjust program structures to enhance math instruction for all learners

When and where is it being held?

September 20, 2019, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Hamline University, Anderson Center
774 Snelling Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104

How do I sign up?

Registration is open! Register here:

Note about travel scholarships:

ATLAS scholarships covering 100% mileage and hotel will be available to participants traveling over 50 miles to the workshop. No application necessary; just follow these instructions to submit your invoice and hotel receipt (if applicable) after the conference!

FEATURED PRESENTER: Sara VanDerWerf is a nationally board-certified teacher who taught secondary mathematics for Minneapolis Public Schools for 27 years with 5 of those years leading K-12 mathematics at the district office. Sara served in multiple positions on the Minnesota Council of Teachers Mathematics (MCTM) board, most recently as Past-President. Sara currently travels the state and around the US speaking and providing professional development. Sara’s passions in K-12 mathematics include engaging students in discourse, English Language Learners, teaching that values student reasoning about mathematical concepts, and building positive student identities. Sara has a calculator museum and taught herself to ride a backwards bike that changed how she taught. Sara is active in the national mathematics community via twitter, @saravdwerf, and writes frequently at her blog,

Hope to see you at the 2019 ABE Math Institute!  Questions?  Please contact Lindsey Cermak, ATLAS Numeracy Coordinator, at

Lindsey Cermak, Numeracy Coordinator ATLAS