Teaching Citizenship?  We’ve Got Resources for You!

Teaching Citizenship? We’ve Got Resources for You!

Immigrant and refugee learners’ strong desire to achieve US citizenship has not diminished during the pandemic. From our annual citizenship webinar, to support materials for the 100 questions and lessons on voting for after citizenship is achieved, Literacy Minnesota has lots of resources to help teachers and volunteers to support learners in reaching this life-changing goal.

Teaching Citizenship Webinar on Wednesday, April 27 at 10:00 am

Led by one of Literacy Minnesota’s Citizenship Teacher, Jessica Horning, this webinar will cover methods for teaching citizenship both in-person and online. Jessica will go over the different parts of the citizenship interview–personal information questions, yes/no questions, 100 civics questions, reading and writing–and how she teaches them in both learning environments.

“Teaching citizenship can be overwhelming at first. It takes time to understand the process, what exactly happens at an interview and how to help students prepare. This webinar will provide an overview of the process and provide ideas and activities for how to structure and teach a citizenship class,” says Jessica.

In addition, she will share class materials and activities along with online activities that educators can provide to students.

Advance registration is required for this webinar – REGISTER NOW! If you can’t make the live webinar, watch our website for the recording to be posted by the end of April.

Citizenship Test 100 Questions

Download the handout for the 100 citizenship questions with simplified versions of the answers to make learning and studying easier for lower level learners.

Citizenship Test 100 Questions: Listening for Key Words

This activity is good for reviewing the 100 questions by identifying the key words. It builds learners’ confidence as they realize that they do not need to hear all of the words in the question to recognize it, and also helps to develop their listening skills.

Free Citizenship Videos

These videos are aimed at people who are interested in applying for citizenship, but teachers and tutors alike will also learn from them.

Citizenship ESL Instructional Support Kit

One of the top five most downloaded Literacy Minnesota resources of all time! The kit provides teachers and volunteer tutors with all of the materials necessary to help learners prepare for all portions of the citizenship interview, as well as activity ideas to challenge learners and keep them engaged as they study one-to-one with a tutor.

I am a Citizen: How Do I Vote? Five Lessons for New Citizens

This curriculum contains five classroom lessons for adult English language learners, adult basic education, and citizenship classes that are based on stories for students to read, using a ‘real-life’ approach to learning. Follow Hawa, Fatima, Carlos, William, Nhong, Mai and Tran as they register to vote, learn about the candidates and issues, make choices, and finally cast their vote in the 2018 election.

Meghan Boyle, Tutor Training Coordinator Literacy Minnesota