MN ABE Connect Archive

Recent Newsletter Articles

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2024 Conference for YOU!

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2024 Conference for YOU!

Do you teach adult English learners? The MELEd (Minnesota English Learner Education) conference is the state's premiere professional gathering for anyone who works with English language learners This year, MELEd will be held at the St. Paul RiverCentre on November 22-23, 2024. Consider presenting; proposals are due June 30, 2024! Read More

PD Committee Program Representatives Needed!

PD Committee Program Representatives Needed!

Apply now to serve as an adult education program representative on the Statewide Professional Development (PD) Committee, and help shape PD for our system! Read More

2024-2025 CCRS Implementation Cohort Applications Due June 3, 2024!

2024-2025 CCRS Implementation Cohort Applications Due June 3, 2024!

Don't miss the chance to participate in the next CCRS Implementation Cohort and collaborate with colleagues on strengthening standards-based instruction in your program! After the 2024/2025 year, the next offering won't be until 2026/2027. Read More

It’s Autism Acceptance Month

It’s Autism Acceptance Month

It is Autism Acceptance Month! A time of raising awareness and inclusivity of neurodiversity. Find out more and learn about strategies for working with students on the autism spectrum. Read More

Information/Media Literacy: More Important Than Ever!

Information/Media Literacy: More Important Than Ever!

Don't believe everything you read! Information is coming at our students at a very rapid pace from many different sources. With that in mind, it is more important than ever to give them the strategies and tools to effectively analyze and evaluate all of this data. Read More

Unlocking Safe Food Handling: Navigating Minnesota’s Certified Food Protection Manager Requirements

Unlocking Safe Food Handling: Navigating Minnesota’s Certified Food Protection Manager Requirements

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) oversees the Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) program, setting rigorous standards to uphold food safety. Aspiring CFPMs must complete an accredited training course and pass an approved certification exam to earn the credential. Read more about this potential credential for your ACP. Read More

Nursing Assistant Certification

Nursing Assistant Certification

Are your Adult Education students interested in working in the Health Care Field? There is always a need for Nursing Assistants and it is a great opportunity to be working in the field. The Health Care career ladder has so many choices for individuals with diverse backgrounds to continue to grow all while helping people and feeling good about what they do! Read More

Interpreting Credentials: Career Pathway Opportunity for Multilingual Learners

Interpreting Credentials: Career Pathway Opportunity for Multilingual Learners

Uncover the practical benefits of interpreter training as a career pathway option, empowering multilingual learners to leverage their language skills effectively in various professional capacities. Dive into effective strategies for providing comprehensive training and support, ensuring successful attainment of opportunities beyond the credential in the classroom. Read More

10 Tips for Implementing the New CASAS Tests

10 Tips for Implementing the New CASAS Tests

If you're in the middle of transitioning to the newest approved tests, you might be feeling like this grumpy cat. You felt the old tests were tired and worn out, but now you realize there are changes that may need to be made as you implement the new tests. Take a deep breath and look at the test tips below as you wade through the changes. Read More

Funds Available for HSE Study Materials for Women

Funds Available for HSE Study Materials for Women

The Rising Hope Fund (RHF) was founded by P.E.O. in 2022 to assist women with covering the cost of their initial GED/HiSET exams and to help pay for exam-specific study materials. Awards are given on a monthly basis. Instructors are needed to help students apply; find out how to help your students access this resource! Read More