
Recent Newsletter Articles

Improving Adult Literacy: Developing Reading and Writing

This booklet presents an overview of what is known about how literacy develops, the component skills of reading and writing, and the practices that are effective for developing them. It also describes principles of reading and writing instruction that can guide those who design and administer programs or courses to improve adult literacy skills. Read More

Listening with a Purpose: 7 Types of ESL Activities

This article outlines different approaches that teachers can take when planning the purpose of a listening activity so that students can strengthen a variety of listening comprehension skills. Read More

Ideas for a Multilevel Class

This article includes recommendations for multilevel teaching strategies and classroom management suggestions distilled from an experienced ESL teacher. The article is part of a National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) digest, and includes links to additional articles on the topic of multilevel instruction. Read More

How Should Adult ESL Reading Instruction Differ From ABE Reading Instruction?

A brief from the Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA) summarizing the research base on adult English language learners (ELLs) learning to read. It describes how ELLs differ from native English speakers and how these differences should affect reading instruction. Read More

Give It a Go: Teaching Pronunciation to Adults

This interactive PDF resource provides "a brief and accessible overview of how pronunciation works in English, some explanations of the particular difficulties faced by learners from different backgrounds, and activities that teachers can use to help adult language learners to improve their pronunciation." Read More

Getting to the Rough Ground of Language and Literacy Learning Through the Language Experience Approach

This blog post from The Literacy Bug describes how teachers can use the language experience approach (LEA) to support early language learners by providing them with ample opportunities to hear, see, use and manipulate language in contextualized, purposeful ways. Read More

Facilitating Adult Learner Interactions to Build Listening and Speaking Skills

A Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA) research brief that includes techniques to promote successful language learning interactions, examples of activities, and special considerations for beginning-level learners. Read More

Evidence-Based, Student-Centered Instructional Practices

Four research-backed recommendations for student-centered language instruction that teachers can implement in their adult ESL classes, as well as concrete activities and practices to support each recommendation. Read More

ESL Teaching Methods: Teaching Grammar Creatively

This article from the Reach to Teach blog offers best practices for teaching grammar in an effective and engaging manner for learners of all ages. Read More

Error Correction

This article provides strategies for how and when to correct learners' mistakes and suggestions for how to make error correction a part of your classroom routine. Read More