
Recent Newsletter Articles

Federal Reserve Education – Navigating Systems

This is an excellent resource for teaching financial literacy and personal finance skills. The collection can be searched using keywords or by applying filters for audience, type, topic, or standards. No account is needed to access all the resources. Read More

Remote Instruction Resources – Math

See the Remote Instruction section under Instructional Resources in the ATLAS online Numeracy library for remote math/numeracy instructional resources. Read More

Success Skills Library (NCTN)

The Personal & Workplace Success Skills Library is a curated collection of resources to guide the integration of personal and workplace success skills into curriculum and instruction, advising and coaching, assessment, and program design. The library is fully searchable and is an excellent resource for those who want to embed more transferable skills into their ABE instruction. This resource touches on all 6 of the TIF categories. Read More

Health Literacy Resources

This collection of multi-language health videos, classroom lessons, and support resources was created to support language learners who are new to English and who may have limited literacy skills to reduce barriers to access healthcare and improve health literacy. Read More

Race, Identity, and English Language Teaching

A Joint TESOL Quarterly and TESOL Journal Publication This is an online database of articles on race and teaching curated by editors from TESOL Journal and TESOL Quarterly, to support TESOL’s statement against racial injustice and inequality. Read More

Problem-Solving Resources – Robert Kaplinsky

Kaplinsky's website is devoted to helping students become better problem solvers, critical thinkers, and mathematical reasoners. It contains free, downloadable lesson plans that are leveled from K-8th grade, are built around real-life situations, and take a problem-based learning approach. Both Kaplinsky's lessons and Problem-Solving Framework have useful applications inside and outside of the math classroom, and could be used to help students unpack a writing prompt, understand a complex question on the GED test, and so on. Read More

Metro South Employability Skills Resource Collection

This excellent collection of resources was put together by Alison Wilcox and Metro South ABE. It contains videos that help students to understand what is meant by the terms "soft skills" and "transferable skills." It also contains links to other resources, such as a transferable skills checklist, a skills inventory, and a list of verbs that can be used for resumes. Read More

Teaching Skills That Matter – Navigating Systems

The Teaching Skills That Matter initiative provides high-quality teaching materials and instructional videos that highlight 9 skills that are essential for success in work and community life - including Navigating Systems. The lessons are also designed to build knowledge in 5 key content areas: Civics Education, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, and Workplace Preparation. The toolkit lessons can be used with both native and non-native English speakers, and they were designed by national experts in each content area. Read More

Teaching Skills That Matter – Critical Thinking

The Teaching Skills That Matter initiative provides high-quality teaching materials and instructional videos that highlight 9 skills that are essential for success in work and community life - including Critical Thinking. The lessons are also designed to build knowledge in 5 key content areas: Civics Education, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, and Workplace Preparation. The toolkit lessons can be used with both native and non-native English speakers, and they were designed by national experts in each content area. Read More

Anti-Racism Resources

The document is a resource list for white people to deepen their understanding of racism. Included in this list are resources that provide historical as well as the current context of racism in America. Read More