Celebrate National Volunteer Week!

National Volunteer Week (April 23-29, 2017) is a time to honor the many ways that volunteers offer encouragement, optimism, patience and enthusiasm to help adult learners achieve their goals. Volunteers foster intercultural understanding and impact students in countless ways.

Here are few ideas for celebrating National Volunteer Week…

  • Ask students or staff to write thank-you cards for volunteers.
  • Post signs on doors and around your learning center thanking volunteers and wishing them “Happy National Volunteer Week!”
  • Have special treats available or host a potluck in honor of volunteers.
  • Request Volunteer Recognition Certificates from the MLC to give to your volunteers with their names and number of hours. Or create your own unique awards!
  • See the National Volunteer Week Resource Guide for sample press releases, social media tips and activity ideas!

We hope you able to celebrate your volunteers during National Volunteer Week. We know that volunteers are vital to the success of students and literacy programs. We believe volunteers bring optimism and enthusiasm, create positive energy, and share diverse perspectives that lead to enhanced learning outcomes for students.

Liam Shramko, Community Engagement Coordinator Minnesota Literacy Council